Unless she became the new jailer and was worshipped as a Santa Muerta.
Queen takes King. Checkmate?
I’m sorry I wasted your time. They just kiss passionately and it fades to black.
And thats my point, all are possible because the book doesnt actually say Renautus lied about it, and it makes me think that shes twisted other things too, which why I just went on reddit for comfirmation or screenshots, Hell the eel thing isnt even that bad as people are blowing it up to be if you actually read that page
Could you put a disclaimer about Renautus, this guy has twisted a hundred quotes from the book, even saying it himself that his takes are biased, lol.
Welcome to the story forums, we post here enough to know when someone is exaggerating.
i am just gonna say when exploring kalimdor came out we got a ton of screenshots here, its telling they dont want to post any lol
Again, you’re playing this weird game where the nuances of language don’t apply.
Sure, maybe the diplomats were killed by crocolisks or dwarves or a Stormwind footsoldier or a murloc. Or maybe they got lost and wander the Wetlands to this very day.
Or, again, they arrived and Varian kept them in his playroom.
Or we can like… use common sense and don’t require the obvious implication spoken aloud.
Its been ambiguous but suggested for a long time. Its not new lore. People who care already developed their own opinions.
I think any reasonable person knew that was satire. An eel cannibalized its mate as an act of love. It’s ripe for vore jokes. No one thought it was weird h manga.
He did keep his deal though. He told the Forsaken to get out of his city, as was his right under the terms of the deal that Sylvanas presented.
He’s not the one who turned on the Forsaken. The Forsaken are the ones who turned on him.
But that is the thing. The book does not tell us what happened and Sylvanas just assume it was caused by the humans killing the diplomats. Maybe it did happen, maybe it did not but it is clearly vague enough we dont know!
That doesn’t fit the definition of “getting tanked” as I was using it. I was referring to something along the lines of the character being compromised and unsalvageable.
Maybe something along the lines of The Winter Queen using Ardenweald to return her to life, she turns her back on the horde in general and forsaken specifically while marrying Anduin to be the Queen of Stormwind.
Something maybe along those lines.
This is one case where you are 100% right.
That doesnt mean the Alliance didnt reject them. They may have been in the right, but they did, under a younger Varian, what older Varian scolded Jaina for after the Purge.
Anything on Delaryn summermoon or the night elf dark rangers
I think the alliance did reject them, but like i said the book doesnt say, there is no varian rejected them multiple times bull
Or we can like… use common sense and don’t require the obvious implication spoken aloud.
I’m starting to think wow players are stupid enough to need it outright spelled out.
Not directed at you Zerde. It’s a growing trend of stupid I’ve been seeing on various social media sites were people seem to pull completely random nonsense out of their butts if Blizzard doesn’t expressly say something in the exact manner different people think they need to say it.
I’m not lying about anything I’m relaying my reading of the story and my impression if the story. Yes, some of it is exaggerated and other people will have exaggerated takes for fun about things when they read it.
If you want to start a book club Kat then do it yourself.
I know we buttheads a lot, but for what it is worth I am sorry how things turned out.
There’s still literally no indication that people in Stormwind were aware of what the hell was happening north of Thandol Span beyond the broadest lines and every indication they didn’t during TFT unless you assume Shaw’s lines about Garithos are meant to be rear-covering
Your the one going around passing off your bias exaggerations as facts