Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

I don’t think that’s what we’re supposed to get out of that bit.

There’s a lot of ways to present “The Current Arbiter de-values culture/family in determining best afterlife for a soul”

And choices were made in that presentation by Golden and the Team

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Much like there is very little (aside from tabards and the like) to tell the difference between a Stormwind Human and a Scarlet Crusade Human, once you remove gameplay details, there isn’t much to tell the difference between the Scourge and the Forsaken. They are both rotting corpses still walking around.

Then you add in that all the Forsaken back then are former Scourge and that the average Human in the regions an Ambassador would travel through have been traumatized by the Scourge, having to encounter resistance should have been expected.

The Alliance should of been approached like the Horde is described as being approached. Spy of them to find the right ones to make contact with and proceed from there.



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If the OG DK starter quest line is anything to go by all they needed was a letter vouching for them by the right person.

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The book was delayed because the end of the book spoils the end of 9.2. The book ends with Sylvanas looking for Nathanos in the Maw. They didn’t know the finale to 9.2 yet so they delayed the book to put what would happen in 9.2 when they figured it out.


Possibly… but it takes months to get a book through the long process that is publishing. My bet would be the book was ready for printing long before they announced its release date as publishers don’t announce incomplete works; its a recipe for disaster.

However, when Shadowlands got the Axe, they had to quickly rework portions of it to align with what they shipped in the game. Edits were likely done about the time 9.1 released, and from there it took time to get through proof editing and onto printing.

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oh, now I know why it needed to be released at the same time as 9.2. the Epilogue contains spoilers for next week’s Judgment, and we get the “after” Tyrande sentences her to the Maw.

hm this is interesting. No spoilers or hints to the next expansion, but a lot of personal growth for Sylvanas.


These braindead writers aren’t going to change what they’ve already written. They wrote the book, but couldn’t finish the patch, delayed it, delayed the book and hamfisted whatever the book contains into the patch because they are simply too good to be wrong.

I don’t see a reason for them writing the book and then going “oh maybe I’m wrong” they probably went “how do we stuff this into the patch with as little effort as possible; who cares if it doesn’t make sense, let them buy the book to figure it out”
while the book still doesn’t answer half the burning questions.

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After what I’ve heard about the book so far, my impression is that it’s not too bad. It sounds like it’s full of cringy Goldenisms but the events themselves are fine and make a fair amount of sense. Which makes this book much better than Before The Storm. If anything, Nathanos backstory is a lore highlight for me now, and I see him similar to how I see Russia; was a badass but now we know that it’s actually a pathetic embarrassment. I still have to read it myself but I’m not completely turned off of it like I was by BTS.


Did they answer why she burns Teldrassil? Like what was the point of it, when the Maw was anyway swallowing souls from countless worlds?

I get her reasoning of wanting to be with those she love, but the means DEFINITELY did not in anyway come close to justify the means.


Yeah, to feed souls to the jailer. It was the easiest way to give him the most anima, going for Stormwind would have taken too long.

There’s no big answer we didn’t already know.


one would imagine so given she is going to have to destroy every single mawsworn along the way of rescuing those not irreversibly tortured into a shade. And that army exceeds the numbers of the Legion, apparently.

They wanted the shock value of a red wedding moment without any of the build up or reasoning. They are like the dude bros that watched the first couple of seasons of game of thrones and thought the talking parts were boring and clapped every time someone got killed or a dragon showed up.


That doesn’t make much sense. Despite the number of souls lost at Teldrassil, it is still a drop in the pool that is souls from all worlds from all realities.

Why would the Jailer care about one speck in the heap of souls?


Yeah they looked at the daenarys goes insane and said yeah that’s cool.

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And also she may not even survive the Aeons it will take. the jailer told her that time works strange in the Shadowlands she could either be gone 5 minutes or go back to see her body has turned to bone. So it is a reasonably strict and potentially fatal punishment Tyrande has given her.

this is going to be their justification for bringing Sylvanas back in two expansions


Then she’ll finally look like a real Forsaken.

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