Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

Because he needed to. Garry Throats wasn’t in a position to turn down any help at that point. Not after he’d alienated everyone else.

And the thing is SW killing the diplomats could make sense from their perspective. The Scourge is always up to weird tricks. Why chance it?


You know if she hadn’t betrayed Garithos for funsies that would have been an actual solid diplomatic foothold for her that she could use to gauge the Alliance’s actual interests and perceptions of the Forsaken that ultimately would have worked out better for everyone. Certainly it would have given her a more accurate sense of the Alliance’s willingness to work with her

But I guess it was more important to have yaaaaaas slay queen kill a racist for short term catharsis


If that was what Sylvanas thought, that the Alliance could never work with her in good faith and Garithos was only doing so out of desperation, then why did she bother to send emissaries to the Alliance at all since she had clearly already made up her mind about the matter

Like she saw, with her own eyes, in her own experience, on her own terms, the Alliance demonstrate a willingness to work with her and even follow the terms that she set out to the letter, based entirely on her word. And this from a commander with a reputation for being unreasonable and prejudiced towards non-humans.

This apparently did not give her any useful information on how diplomatic relations with the Alliance would go, but her sending out emissaries that never came back did?

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sorry :sob: I’m doing my best.

I have to take a quick break from reading to grab dinner but I’m almost done. She’s recounting the events of Legion now so Teldrassil will be soon and that will be fun /s


“I can’t believe Zovaal is making me do this, someone must stop him” she thought as she lit the pitch

Me to you + current mood

Nah but really what fresh hell is this

This is self destructive on an unprecedented level lol

Good luck with that… and enjoy dinner!







New lore trumps old lore. You know this. Retcons are neither new nor rare (nor good) nowadays.

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Nathanos @ Sylvanas after she rips the head off a wolf in the woods in War Crimes.

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They don’t technically contradict each other, it’s just that the new lore is that while Sylvanas was saying “that arrow’s poison was not meant to be wasted on your whelp” she was really thinking “oh no that poor boy what have I done”



Sylvanas joined Alpha Prime to try and get the Scythe of Elune so that she could mind control all the worgen to serve her and I doubt the book goes into this


An entire team of people read this book and decided it was good to go

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Might as well stop caring about lore at this rate; it’s always “one perspective” or “incomplete truth” or “not as it seems”.

Hopefully this game will die a slow and painful death. Seems like it already is.


I was going to say that they can easily spin this as Sylvanas lying to Anduin to try and make him more sympathetic but then what’s the point of the book

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None of this would have happened if Blizzard let the Alliance reclaim Lordaeron after WotLK, I’m just sayin


Don’t forget the book also got delayed, presumably for further edits or additions.