Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

You said I said it a couple of times, so the fact you can’t immediately pull up one time I said kinda goes against your point. And I want to stress again, me saying something like “Arthas deserves redemption more then Sylvanas does” is not proof.

All I know is the fact that people think Sylvanas can be redeemed but Arthas cannot is absurd.

I was expecting the worst, so I’m at the very least happy this wasn’t one of the worst cases scenarios I imagined.


Not even a little. It would be super creepy if I bookmarked your posts for later use.

No. It’s not what you know. It’s what you choose to believe. Because you refuse to hear any arguments contrary to your chosen beliefs. You refuse to read lore that contradicts your preferred view points. You refuse to even accept that such things exist, even when shown to you.

We’ve all seen this. We’ve all experienced this. We all know this because you continually prove this.


Who’s talking about bookmarks? Just go through my history and pull up one time, otherwise you’re talking out your a&&.

No it’s a fact…Sylvanas is objectively less redeemable then Arthas because her crimes are worse and more long lasting. Arthas killed and raised Sylvanas, but she still exists. Sylvanas sent innocent people to the more who are gone forever.

Literally already addressed that. You know this. You read this. Why go for the saddest, already-debunked excuse?

You have this habit of confusing your opinion for fact.

It isn’t.

Your opinion is just a biased opinion.


What the actual f are you babbling about? Just quote one time I said it, otherwise stop accusing me of stuff.

Are you honestly going to argue with me that Sylvanas is more willing then redemption of Arthas? Because there has to be some way to measure how ‘redeemable’ a person is an Sylvanas in all ways is less worthy then Arthas.

Don’t play coy. You know what I’m talking about. You’re not actually that dense.

I absolutely could argue Sylvanas is more willing for redemption than Arthas, yes. I’ve made that argument already today. In this very thread.

But no, I’m not going to waste my time rehashing it with you, because you’ve made blatantly clear that:

  1. You are dishonest person in debates. You won’t read what others say, what sources they link, what points they make, and rely on strawman arguments whenever you can.
  2. You refuse to accept canon as canon when it contradicts your preferred narrative.
  3. You engage in hostile debate tactics, such as insulting the intelligence of those who disagree with you.
  4. You deny your own words when they are uncomfortable for you in the moment.

So why bother trying to engage in honest debate with you? Why repeat things you could just scroll up and read?


I literally did explain why nobody’s going to parse through your post history to provide “evidence” when your original claims already tell us you know you’ve said Arthas should be redeemed, without the Sylvanas caveat.

Yes. Because I disagree with you, and you absolutely hate that. You refuse to believe any side but your side has any degree of merit. We’ve been over that already too.

Careful. You’re violated TOS now.

I literally have explained myself to you. It’s your own inherent biases that prevent you from acknowledging that. I even gave you a numbered list explaining myself to you.

Irony, it is not your friend today.


You can’t make up false claims and then refuse to provide proof because it’s ‘beneath’ you.

No because you make baseless accusations and act like the bigger person. You also give excuses for not providing proof, “Ugh, I don’t have time for that, people should just believe me”.

Hey everyone, did you know Alynsa made a thread saying all gay people need to be shot? What? proof? Puh-lease…I don’t have to provide any evidence for my accusations I should just believed no matter what.

You haven’t explained S, you’ve just listed a bunch of nonsense.

I’m not the one giving a million useless excuses why I can’t explain myself

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And I did not do that. I just didn’t provide the proof you wanted. I’m not beholden to you.

But I haven’t. All of my accusations have a basis and history behind them.

And not a single person would believe that, because I don’t need to use weasel words to defend myself.

Your reading comprehension is not my responsibility.

Right, you’re the one who is literally proving me correct when I say you:

  • Won’t read what others say (in this case, where I literally explained myself in a numbered list).
  • Engage in hostile debate tactics (self-evident if you possess any self-awareness).

You proved both to be true in less than five minutes of me stating them. You continue to prove both true.

But to your credit, you don’t give a million different excuses why you can’t explain yourself. You only give one, the same one every time; “you are lying, you’re making stuff up, random insult here”. It’s been this same excuse, straight denial of facts and history and even reality itself, every single time.

I’ll let you get the last word in now. I feel like you really need it. Don’t forget to irrationally claim you won this discussion by proving my accusations correct.


watching you guys all I see is:


I am the grey striped one!


No you provided no proof and made baseless accusations about me

Na you’re wrong and just making things up

And not a single person believes you nor should they

jllsakl;f ushioo;lff kfijbkjf

Tell me, what did I just say to you? If you can’t understand what I posted above the fault is with you, not me.

Ha I doubt it

I actually despise Alynsa as a Human being, I’m not kidding when I say I’ll keep replying to her posts until one of us drops dead of old age

I’ve noticed your use of this phrase is a pattern for weaseling out of internet arguments

Guys…the women who wrote this novel is sexist because…because… because she just is ok?! Stop asking questions and just go with what I say.

I’ve probably used that phrase all of twice before.

And is it “weaseling out of an argument” when I’ve literally presented my proof, but the other party has chosen to ignore it? I tried to present the argument. The other party walked right past it. That isn’t weaseling out of anything.

Good try though!


There mere use of the phrase “I’m not beholden to you” in an argument or discussion is essentially admitting that you’re not arguing from good faith.

That’s only true if you believe after presenting evidence that has been willfully ignored, after explaining myself and my reasoning and having that too be willfully ignored, that I’m then still obligated to continue presenting my evidence and reasoning to the same person who has chosen to ignore it previously, and whom has a long history of similar behavior.

Good faith is not blind faith.


Impressive that Blizzard managed to retread Anakin Skywalker before Episode II or III came out.

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Why? His story was around for decades before those films were made.

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