Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

We don’t explicitly know that was him, admittedly. It might of been Uther, or even Nathanos (though that feels more outlandish).

I think it’s clearly implying that it’s him because of the clink of his armor. That clink sound is repeatedly emphasized in the interludes.


We don’t explicitly know it’s him, but it’s in the epilogue, so it must be him.

Fair… I guess as he is a Very Good Boy he may feel the need to redeem himself as well for his actions as a meat puppet.


He did try to blame himself for Teldrassil even before he became a meat puppet, “I failed those who burned.” this boy has a sacrificial lamb complex.

At best, these two hanging out offscreen for a while can only accomplish one thing, The Banshee Queen will get a little bit softer and the Boy King will get just a little bit harder, and that seems like a win win by all accounts.


Anduin is Jimini Cricket and is going to turn her into a real girl. Featuring in the next Sylvanas novel : Starslight ressurection


They do not really explain the metaphysics of it, but its always been a thing in WoW. They even have ghostly internal organs if the three sisters comic is to go by—Sylvanas disembowels one in Banshee Mode.

They also can eat, drink and move stuff, plus never have they been shown to walk through walls, doors, etc.

I would guess they generate a body out of anima to inhabit, as a ghost is an extraplanar creature that belongs in the shadowlands, technically.


I think I said a year or two ago (jokingly) that they end up together. I suggested Nathanos soul would be in anduin and they would share the body. I will also accept this as a consolation.

Edit: Why didn’t I see this sooner! Thats why Golden harps on Nathanos as a grotesque… because she ships Anduannas. Sylduin?

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Omg, please don’t tell me you are jumping on the Wrynnrunner train too Mawthorne!


Wow this is robbing the cradle and Word Meaning Attraction to Corpses the Filter Prohibits all bundled into one terrifying package of “Nope”


Which means Blizzard must do it!!

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Not having anyone around to aggressively refute her was why she became the way that she did. Nobody challenged her distorted thinking and whenever circumstances arose that challenged it (like The Gathering, or Gilneas’ resistence, or Summermoon’s rebuke) she had no idea how to handle it

She was surrounded solely by enablers.

Nobody likes being told things they don’t want to hear but everyone needs people in their life who can tell them things they don’t want to hear. Sylvanas didn’t, and any time one might have emerged she crushed it.


And really, there were very few in existence who had any kind of platform from which to do so. Love or hate Anduin, hes a pretty noble soul.

an orc and tauren in the back of the room cough and look at their feet, shuffling them awkwardly

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By the time Sargeras sword stabs Azeroth she’s too far gone. Everything she does at The Gathering and Teldrassil is on purpose and she’s committed. The only things that probably could’ve been done were to not trust Putress and somehow be prevented from jumping off Icecrown. It seems like there was no stopping her from going to the Maw. The best that probably could’ve been done would be to have prevented her from dying for as long as possible.

It was apart of his character that he and Arthas had a love triangle and Kael lost ( that line you posted is pretty much the only reference to it that existed prior). The part about him acting like Gaston about it was not. His character was depicted as pensive and stoic in WC3, not flamboyantly arrogant.

Does it answer what was her mind set during the Wrathgate?

She’s angry at Putress for betraying her and is especially mad about him wasting the opportunity to kill the Lich King