Warcraft shouldn’t have been made into a movie. The story is just too much to cram down into one movie so it’ll be a complete mess for those who never played any of the games.
What you guys should’ve done is created a series. An animated one at that. You guys literally have top notch cinematics which could go great for the animation, just a little smooth touch to make it better. Team up with either Netflix or preferably Prime (I like prime because it’s weekly and it’ll kind of be hard to spoil unless it’s from a book or comic but for Warcraft, I’ll take Netflix).
Take Arcane for example. It was a great video game film and would recommend to everybody to watch and see for yourselves whether you like it or not. I have played LoL before but it was only for a little bit, not a real big fan of MOBA games. I didn’t know who the characters were at all coming into the film, yet however I was amazed at the storytelling and the action it gave.
I know you guys are working on a Diablo animated series which I’m sure it’ll turn out great! But don’t forget about your other great games too! Starcraft, Warcraft, and Overwatch would be great animated. You guys should try and pick this up Blizzard!
Toei animation and developed in Japan. Why? So Netflix can’t ruin it. Keep it out from crunchyroll’s hands too. America can’t tell a good story without placing topical politics in it and thusly, ruining fun with preaching.
stretches feet in the air and wiggles toes
♪♪ I want to be the very best…like no murder hobo ever was!
To slay Horde is my real quest. I’ll BM them just because. ♪♪
Lol shut down wow after 9.3 and make it a netflix series. Then we can all netflix and chill.
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Just for the love of god don’t do anything live action.
( My condolences to Death Note and Cowboy Bebop fans. And the One Piece / Gundam fans in the future )
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High Guardian Spice will be honored to have a competitor for spot of worst animated show of the decade.
The Bebop adaption is pretty great, actually.
Hey now. At least Blizz recently has a good track record with voice acting compared to Spice
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Ehhhh I’ve heard quite a few different takes from friends
As a fan of the Anime I had the lowest of expectations, but it was a really fun watch.
But Deathnote was absolutely terrible, so it isn’t surprising nobody wants to give it a go.
Yea I’m joking…mostly. The biggest potential problem I see is them trying to make it a part of the current story. If they are going to do a show it should be done about events that already happened. Like WC3. Though it would be funny seeing non-gamer critics exposed to the horror that is shadowlands storytelling.
The only good thing with the netflix death note was Ryuk. That was it.
I did hear the japanese live action stuff was at least decent. But I can’t comment too much because I’ve yet to watch the anime. But I know bits and pieces from cultural osmosis.
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What Arcane showed us is that for any attempt to adapt your video game world to TV/Cinema to be good, you have to make the plot and world understandable to people who don’t know what happens in the game.
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only if they use the same animation they used in harbingers.
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Or just release Lord of the Clans. They already did a lot of work on it, after all.

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Live Action adaptations never felt right to me, it just leaves a ton of disgruntled fans in your wake because of cut material and character designs not holding up.
I wrote an entire premise for a WoW series. Live action or CGI, either way. It’s been something I’ve worked on since Cata.
Warcraft needs to have something like this. An animated series, SOMETHING… because people don’t know the story and they don’t care.
An animated series would get people LOTS OF PEOPLE interested and caring.
Bottom line (for Blizzard): this will make lots of money. Create interest in the people. They will come play the games and give you money.