Warcraft Short Story: "The Goblin Way"

notice current real life activism

LARP that activism through a WoW story

“Very interesting stuff.”

Wonder when we’ll get the Goblins leading a “Tax the rich” campaign through Azeroth. Oooh the complexity and depth!


You know, I think Horde fans really do just want the Horde to remain evil, greedy and incompetent.


I at least appreciate that they arent even hiding it anymore. It confirms what i already thought about them. So there is that.


Could be time for a new set of factions. The ones who want to save Azeroth and the ones that want to lose every fight and battle they ever get in because they directly go against the betterment of the game’s world. I’d roll some of those characters to live out the fantasy of being unabashedly evil and cruel.

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I mean, what’s wrong about that? The Horde did A LOT of evil stuff. It’s a fictional world. I’m fine with that. I won’t play the poor victim card here. I mean, why should I? The evil side has cookies. :kissing_heart:

Had… now the Horde are the good guys, too :confused:

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Last I check the evil side will inevitable get their behinds kicked. Like sure, they will throw the first punch and probably cost the heroes plenty. But Warcraft story has never been kind to villains. So if you want more stories of Horde rebellions go for it I guess.


If paying everyone a fair wage, treating people properly and putting the welfare of employees above everything else was the most successful (read: profitable) option then every company would do that. Instead we find that the most successful entities A) ignore all of those things, and B) do it just enough to not violate any sort of laws.

But that’s the real world. We’re talking about Azeroth.

And much like how the Horde initially treated peons as expendable slaves who were literally worked to death, goblins are an extension of that. The good of the Warchief/Trade Prince comes above all else. Anyone who threatens that has their head cracked open, and somehow I don’t think all the slave-drivers in Undermine are eager to start cutting into revenue just to make happier employees.

… Well, they might do that. Because this game is really badly written sometimes.


Yet somehow only the Alliance looses entire zones and cities.^^

Sure, the devs say they win them back, but is that shown in the game? Nope. The exception being Gilneas, but guess what, it is turned neutral, without a port or flight master for the Alliance. You know which faction does have a flight master right next to Gilneas? Horde xD



Very obvious 90% of the folks here didn’t read the story.


Losing your image is not interesting. Nobody needs more different flavored humans. Srsly stop it.


And our leaders are all still alive, the night elves got expansions long story about renewal and a new home and Jaina is now leader of her old home while Garrosh is a pile of dust and Sylvanas is doing eternal community service.

Last I checked, alot of things are neutral now. Hell, Suramar was turned into a neutral zone for both factions and likely soon Silvermoon come Midnight.

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lol the goblin doin meme hands

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Lava eel -word I won’t say on the forms but rhymes with for.

I will never let this go as a plot point to emphasize how stupid and bad the writing can be.

As far as goblin stuff, though, I just like Gazlowe. Always have, so seeing more of him makes me happy. It doesn’t go too much deeper for me.


Nope. There are currently 5 neutral Alliance locations.
The only neutral Horde location is that of the HMT.
Suramar is not neutral. We have our own phase there :wink:

Being aware of your priviliges are the first step to dismantle it.

They are alive because they are actually “good” guys. Maybe if more Horde characters were like Gazlowe they might have a higher rate in the future.

It is just simple bias Blizzard favors the alliance every time. That is why 4 alliance and 1 Horde leader show up in the last trailer. Their favoritism on the expanse of the horde community is obvious.

Also being a good guy isn’t saving from not being killed as Hordie.


Not villains yet they are dead.

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My goodness, that escalated quickly… Hmm, stay and munch on popcorn or leave…

People seem shocked by the storyline and goblins engaging in “Ethical Capitalism…” there is a quest in Bilgewater harbor that involves catching middle-management types cutting production costs by skimping on rivets when building zeppelins.

In doing this, they are exploiting their employer while pocketing the difference for themselves. It’s natural that upper management would see this and move to correct it for liability and long-term sustainability purposes.

The cost-cutting, scheming, manipulating, etc. that we know Goblins for is what gives them their grit. Having a natural counterbalance built-in to the faction makes them feel more like a functioning, complex race which struggles internally like any other race, rather than painting them as wholly cartoonish, mustache-twirling capitalist villains.


I mean, the Goblins with Gallywix and such already had a massive Gilded Age robber baron theme going for them, and gasp, they continued that by adding in a worker advocate/union boss type character because they never had those at the same time like they were some kind of natural reaction to that.

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