Warcraft Short Story: "The Goblin Way"

By no means does that mean they are beholden to keeping things one way either.


Yeah… that train has left the station a long time ago. Anyone who still believes that the lore in this game can be saved after three highly questionable expansions… oof :sweat_smile:

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Wow. You’ve taken a good story telling element and endorsed applying it in a pathological way?

Yes, character evolution is a good thing, but does every character and race in WOW need to be evolved into something resembling modern day HR mandates? Would it be good storytelling for Xal’atath to see the error of her ways at the end of the World Soul Saga, and offer restitution to those she has damaged? Would it be good storytelling for the Scarlet Crusade to learn acceptance towards the forsaken, and for the two groups to hold hands in solidarity and forgiveness?

After all, character evolution is good right? So everyone in WoW should be evolved into peaceful, compassionate, inclusive, paragons of virtue, right? The Legion, the Void, Sargeras, the Titans, Iridikron, every single Defias thief, every demon, Arthas, Garrosh, everyone holding hands and singing Kumbaya. What magnificent storytelling!!! :man_facepalming:

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… yeah, keep your bad-faith replies elsewhere.

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You are correct. Blizzard is well within their right to ruin their own story beyond recognition…

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Yupp. That’s exactly what they’ve done with the Night Elves and Worgen. With their tea parties and hand-holding and sharing their home with those who destroyed it and tormented them for years. Doesn’t feel forced at all. That was sarcasm, by the way.^^

I would like to add that this is coming from someone, who is pro cross-faction things and even supports finally abolishing the outdated racial segregation concept for the factions because it treats all races as if they suffer from a hive mind mentality.

There will always be groups that think differently. A Horde human for example will have their own reasons for fighting an Alliance human, or a Vulpera pirate who befriends Taelia as another example and has a bone to pick with their relatives from the desert, etc.
Neutral races would continue to provide plenty of reasons for conflict while also giving players more freedom instead of forcing them to join a faction based on race.

And although this might superficially sound like Kumbaya, it’s anything but that. I still want to have a credible story where the atrocities of the opposing groups are responded to in a plausible manner. Where each race feels iconic and not like generic Gen Z people from the modern world. Because that is currently the case with pretty much all races in WoW.

No, it doesn’t have to be a huge faction war, which Blizzard can’t handle anyway, but at least smaller conflicts and not this My Little Pony caricature they’re pulling off.

Sounds about right with today’s world. Likely just projecting on behalf of the writers.

Nobody can be tough because that’s toxic. Nobody can have ambitions because that’s toxic. Nobody can fight for what their personal beliefs are because that’s toxic.

If you don’t conform to the (see quote above) then you’re toxic and the very evil that’s ruining the world.

Orcs can’t be aggressive warmongers. Goblins can’t be greedy swindlers. Forsaken can’t be scheming monsters.

Even the night elves who struck fear into the Orcs who attacked the forests of Ashenvale are now bleeding hearts.

Tyrande isn’t allowed to exact revenge for the genocide of her people because she would be no better than Sylvanas.

The world is soft now a days. If you have independent thought or opinions that don’t align with (see quote above) then you get cancelled and called all sorts of… well… you get it.

The bad writing that made everyone soft and wouldn’t let Tyrande take revenge is a product of (see quote above) culture.


Night elves lost to the warsong alone

The warsong happily went back after WC3.

How did they strike fear into them?

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To be fair, in the real world I do support being compassionate to others, and I do believe forgiveness is the best path forward, and I do believe it’d benefit all people to strive to become better and more loving every day, but World of Warcraft is a video game with fictional characters and races.

In WoW I want to see everything that should be avoided in the real world: Vengeance, villainy, war, deception, violence, etc. That’s what fiction is for, escapism!!! In fiction we (mature individuals that can distinguish reality from fiction) can explore those other emotions and elements without anyone actually being hurt.


Gallywix did nothing wrong. Infact. Gazlowe sucks and shouldn’t exist.

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Exaggerate much?

Look, it’s very simple. Do you want the Horde to be the bad guys or the good guys? There’s no grey area here for you to languish in so you can have both sides of the pillow.

There’s nothing wrong about the leader of the Goblins having an issue with his people dying needlessly to their own creations, especially since the races overall intellect is diminishing.

And? How small a minority would that be, exactly? Don’t forget that the actual timeline of the game is spanning fourty-fifty-ish years, so I really doubt those types would be in any significant number.

It is simple. Not every character has to be a boy-scout to be a hero. Have you heard of anti-heroes? Have you heard of Deadpool? Punisher? Wolverine? Blizzard is doing to Goblins the equivalent of giving Deadpool Captain America’s personality.

Blizzard is taking all the charm from the race. As another poster said, they’re just basically making them green gnomes. And it’s actually worse, as Gnomes have their own interesting quirks and traits, while Goblins are just being made boy-scouts.