Warcraft Short Story: "The Calling"

We now know that if Anduin was a Hunter he would keep the default names for his pets.

I like how there’s flashbacks to pivotal moments in lore, but he is still largely passive in his own story.

*Pat *

Idk why you guys didn’t like it. I found it be moving.


I am dead inside…

…and outside.

Wow, that cover art! Anduin looks as old and tired as WoW itself is at this point. :grimacing:

It’s going to be very strange moving forward with Anduin since Christie basically developed his entire character over the years. Especially given that he’s bound to play a major role in the events to come.

It’s really is hard to feel sympathetic towards Anduin considering he never actually killed anyone. Like I get that the real terror is that he’s unsure if the thrill of fighting his friends might have been his own rather than the domination magic’s, but when the tangible consequences of it were so relatively minimal it makes this whole character arc feel almost entirely synthetic, something that should have been entirely wrapped up by the end of Shadowlands.


I thought people had bigger gripes with the mechanics and systems of Cataclysm than they did the storytelling?

It’s been a while, obviously, but I quite enjoyed the storytelling and raids in Cataclysm.

PFFFFFF. I swear that wasn’t there when I first looked, but I hit up the post SUPER early. It might have been missing when I first opened the link.

Or I’m blind and dipped out before yet another “Read more”.

Was he also responsible for TBC? Because that expansion was pretty bad in terms of storytelling, once you take off the rose-colored nostalgia glasses. Even back then, there were some pretty severe retcons and generally questionable occurrences.

He needs to clean himself up. Even undead look better and they just crawled out of a grave

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I liked him precisely because he was different from many other generic characters in WoW, who were all quite stereotypical. And of course, being committed to peace and having a lot of empathy doesn’t make someone less masculine.
I think he is one of the very few characters in WoW, who are written in a relatively subtle way, while many others have been twisted multiple times to fit the current plot. Some have even become caricatures of their former selves…

Unfortunately, it doesn’t change the fact that I find the overarching story in this game to be disastrous. WoW occasionally does a good job with side stories, but the overall story… oof.

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It feels weird how obsessed he (And the writing team) is with this “OH NU I AM ARTHAS 2 NUUU” plot.

He has HOW many friends, family, allies who have been mind controlled to do terrible things for a greater evil who got over it, who could STILL help him through it? Why is everyone else able to shrug off mind control as “Wasn’t me” but he specifically has this traumatic arc? It makes him seem weak- or at the very least, the setting inconsistent.

Jaina and thrall in Shadowlands got dominated by the jailer. Didn’t even phase them.

Varian was manipulated with magic by Onyxia, Anduin watched him do things he didn’t agree with under her spell until he was better and all was forgiven.

Valeera was corrupted by fel magic and a demon and had an entire arc about regaining control of herself and dealing with the fact she was possessed by said demon. She could have easily come to give him therapy about it, she’s handling it super well.

Why is this forced plot a thing. Couldn’t Anduin have gotten a new arc instead of continuing the continuity of the expansion that deserves to be retconned?

I completely agree. Hopefully this saga helps pull things together. It seems like it will be a good thing.

Posting this on a Blood Elf is peak irony. You’re just an Alliance character that Blizzard gave to the Horde out of pity.

Blood elves have been the majority horde population for like over a decade, what are you talking about lmao

thalassian elves werent even playable for the majority World of Warcraft’s existence lol

More people who believe war induced PTSD is not real.

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Looking at that picture gives me flashbacks to an old Cold Chisel song :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Also Fuzzbutt, it’s rude to stare at Anduin like that!

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what the hell is wrong with his face

So hype for “World of Warcraft: The Therapy With Wrynn”

I hope we get to know all the mean girls names that made him feel big sad… ADVENTURE!

I absolutely believe in Peperoni on Toasted SourDough. And I suppose war is as good a time as any for delicious food?

Anduin looks like hes going to put on a show like handsome squidward.