Warcraft Short Story: "The Calling"

I agree. But remember like most comments in these forums; Of about seven million players we are not hearing anything from about seven million players.

The angry voices don’t speak for “the community” as they believe they do.


I don’t care about Anduin, but I could get over my indifference to him if this story was interesting, which it unfortunately was not. :yawning_face:

Anduin really needs to retire the alias “Jerek.” I can’t read that name without laughing at how stupid sounding it is.

I hope so.

Trauma is not a contest. How one reacts to trauma varies person to person.

He’s fought so hard to be a pacifist and was just horrified that he enjoyed making people suffer. Its real easy to say “Oh thats not a big deal” when you ain’t the one going through it.


Is he weeping again?

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Nah actually he cuts some bandits down with his sword. But y’all ride that trail all ya want.

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But did he enjoy it?

Idk did he? Read the story

Idk, but I wurd.

anduin on the cover = insta pass

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I feel like they let her write this last little story for anduin as a farewell, but thankfully she’s gone and won’t be having a hand in the narrative leading forward. People keep asking why the Horde keep being turned into the “baddie punching bag” every expansion and it’s because Christie can’t write them any other way.

Hopefully the horde storyline can recover with Metzen back.


And then he weeps?

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Oh please we all know yall are just gonna use him as a new scapegoat

Did everyone just forget how absolutely vile players were to Metzen when he was in charge? Tell me how great Cataclysm was, I dare you.


Yeah, but who else is left?

Golden can write. Oh yeah. You give her a plot in a few words, she can turn it into a novel, I don’t like her, at all, but credit where credit is due.

But you get her to create stuff, actually create a plot? A character even? Nah, she goes all fangirl on it.

I mean look at Jaina Proudmoore, tell me Golden wasn’t in her Frozen phase when she changed up Jaina like that, even had her singing songs like in a Disney movie. Honestly, I’m glad she’s out out the picture.


Not every expansion is gonna be a giant hit, but I know more people celebrated Metzen’s return than anything else.

And at least we don’t need to watch our Horde leaders turn into villians for the alliance to heroically defeat every expansion.


One of the better expansions for the story. I loved it. I loved the silly stuff and the serious stuff. The writing was at another level of quality back then.

“Green Jesus”… gods I hated the community back then.


It was insane. Absolutely insane. Catacylsm has its faults but Thrall being the main character and doing work is not one of them.

It makes me so sad that essentially the reception of Catacylsm in the eye of fans sort of partially broke Metzen.

Jaina, Anduin, Garrosh, Illidan, Gul’dan, and Deathwing. These characters are all my favorites because I like their stories. All for different reasons but they all stand out to me.

The one character that gets a lot of dislike however is Anduin. And it’s almost always making fun of his emotions. A man crying doesn’t make him weak when he cries for others. And anger doesn’t make a man strong. At least it doesn’t imo.

Honestly… his story reminds me of Thralls in soooooo many ways. Thrall even lost the ability to call to the elements at one point. Their desire to help people and do what is right drives both of them to keep fighting. This is one of the reasons I think thrall was the absolute best person to reach out to Anduin in that small cinematic for war within.

But if you asked me I’d say that Anduin is much stronger than thrall. Thrall has quit many times on Azeroth and the horde. The only person Anduin has ever doubted was himself.