Warcraft Short Story: "A Whisper of Warning "

not the biggest fan of her eyeshadow lol
but arator is interesting to me from this bit i read
pls man dont kill him…


Good. I like this. No need to read a novel to understand everything. Now we need to watch the videos.


Can I wait until Nobbel reads it to me?

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Yeah, I imagine that Silvermoon is lenient toward Thalassian Elves living/entering the city, and even repatriating and joining their ranks like Arator seems to have with the Blood knights. It also seems like they aren’t forced to take on the Sin’dorei moniker either, and are free to identify as High elf if they wish, which is nice.

I loved the warfront where the two are fighting, and it’s basically light vs light haha I’m interested in seeing some interactions between Lady Liadrin and Turalyon.

It was beautifully written, I hope they don’t just kill him off and we get to see where his house is in Silvermoon when they update it.


Meh, he’ll drop phat lewts in 12.0

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Sons of Lothar.


that’s NOT alleria windrunner. that’s a veressa windrunner void elf cosplay.
dont try and change my mind your not gonna change it.

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I enjoyed the dialogue between Alleria and her son Arator. He truly is the one thing keeping Alleria sane against the whispers of the void trying to corrupt her.

I hope nothing bad happens to Arator because I think that would destroy Alleria.


ugly artwork

Why is there no explanation , why Arator live in Silvermoon? Where is Vereesa ?


They went through the dark portal and got stuck in outland together in warcraft 2. Alleria and Turalyon went missing in the twisting nether after they finished closing all the portals on the other side and we only found them again in legion.

All children of quel’thalas are welcome in silvermoon during peacetime unless they drank the void kool-aid. Arator is a Half-Elf, and so it’s his birthright as well.

Probably in Dalaran with her own children.


This picture is interesting but a bit strange to say the least.

Arator looks pretty good but Alleria is just such a chop job. Everything is out of proportion and it just looks like an abomination. her cheeks are uneven, her nose is facing in a way that it must be broken, her chest again is uneven from right to left, her left armor plate on the shoulder is placed way to far back unless is meant to stick out her back 8-12 inches, her chin is i don’t even know how to describe…chiseled in a weird way with her lower lip like it’s swollen like she has dip/chew in her mouth but the chin just looks separated from her cheek.

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I thought it was a good story

I demand an explanation for Alleria’s missing face tattoo. If it was just paint, we need a confirmation. Alleria’s artwork is painful to look at. She looks like she’s trying out for an 80s punk band.

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I love the short story and I also love how it doesn’t feel necessary to understand what might happen in the war within.

I love myself a good elf soap opera.

The Bold and The Elves.


If you played Warcraft 2, they were grouped together and witnessed the closing of the Dark Portal.

She really should do something more about those voices in her head. Leaving that untreated feels like it’s asking for trouble.

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I completely missed that one, I’ll have to give it a watch. Thanks.

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