Warcraft Radio Interviews Ion Hazzikostas

I bet that rando radio link i could get more info about the game then the official forums.

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This is just sad.

They are going to double down on corruption in shadowlands. All they will do is rename it and call it shadowforging and then they can say it is not the same as corruptforging.

In their bubble world corruptforging is a success! LOL!


Well enjoy playing it on your own cause a lot of people won’t buy it or try it till maybe 12 months + into it.


you known most companies learn from their mistakes and try to improve for the next time Blizzard though hey lets take something the players overwhelming despised then double down on it and some how manage to make it worse


every time I pause the video he is making a funny face
 I approve.


I think its why most announcement posts are mostly ignored these days rather then ballooning up to hundreds of replies. The community is jaded and all trust is gone.

I know I am not opening up my wallet till I see a alpha or a beta and I know whatever that work in progress is it is exactly what we are getting just with extra grinds.

I just hope that when it comes time to release tbc again they don’t bundle it with an expansion.


im sure Blizzard will find a way to lift up our expectations and then dash all of our hopes with the utmost expediency


 I kinda think so too
 it’s why we have the worst av and naxx level pvp gear in classic during mc.

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Did you throw him all softball questions? Let me know now so I don’t waste my time listening to this


well of course you know they did and even they did try to slip one in on him he would go into lawyer mode and either ramble on for about 10 minutes giving a non answer answer which has no bearing on the question he was asked or he would’ve simply ignored it and changed the subject moving on to the next question instead


Nice to meet you “A Lot of People!” That’s a weird name. I’m Kalzhan! Though I’m not sure how the forums display my name.

That’s right.

Remember when progression raiders were struggling to find gear with useful stats instead of the ubiquitous versatility, and Ion announced versatility was a success because most raiders had some on their gear?


yeah he has a tendency to focus on the bad stuff claiming it was a “success” never mind the fact they didn’t give us a choice we did it which he would then spin doctor it into being a well enjoyed feature despite the fact it was not liked in the slightest


I hope they do not go that route, while it is a novel idea, it really isn’t that appealing at all. The corruption is very random, and RNG is one of the biggest complaints players have about the game.

They need to bring back tier PVE and PVP sets and be done with it.


Does he say anything related to gameplay (classes) and progression systems or is it just about the mythic race? As long as gameplay remains so poor, personally idc about those races or upcomming tournaments.


well of course he is only gong to talk about the mythic racing he couldn’t care less what the bulk of the players ie the casuals are doing in his mind this game exists only for the top 1% hardcores and all other players are irrelevant he proves that by constantly disregarding feedback unless it comes from groups like Method

after all when Method talks it draws in free publicity which means more $$$ but the normal players are just making noise and thus he ignores it


How can you tell Ion is lying? His lips are moving.

Cannot trust a word this guy says anymore.


the fact people trusted and listened to him at all is why so many things are going wrong with WoW players should’ve overwhelming spoke up at the first sign of his nonsense but now hes been doing it so long hes gotten convinced nothing he does can be wrong


The community should not allow Blizz to gas light and tell their valid criticism of the game are wrong or twist what the players want to see addressed.

For example, players complained about being the hero of the story back in WoD beta.


I’ll be interested to listen to this later. If he actually says they’re happy with how corruption turned out, I don’t even know what to think about that. It’s literally a dumpster fire that i’ve seen very few people happy with, or even neutral.