Warcraft is on Syfy right now

I never understood when people said the CGI was bad. I thought it looked excellent


I loved the movie as well. I thought they did a great job on it. The world looked like WoW. Dalaran was amazing to see. I also loved the easter eggs like the Murloc you saw for a quick 2 secs and it making its sound.

I just wished they did the Arthus/Lich King story because imo that had so much more that would have been great for a movie. I had a feeling they will only make 1 movie because video game movies don’t seem to do too well so seeing a live action with the Lich King and the burning of Strath etc. would have been awesome to see as a movie.

But either way, I love the movie and still watch it at times.


After watching LoL’s Arcane…

I really really wish Warcraft would do something similar.

It could be soooo goooood.

Doesn’t even have to be crazy realistic artistically or high budget for that matter, as long as the story was good.


I gotta watch Arcane, especially with the riot mmo coming out. I know nothing about that setting.

My elderly foreign mother is living with me and she is unable to learn how to use the streaming services. A basic remote with channel up and channel down and cable tv is all she needs to be happy.


they were so busy making a franchise they forgot to make a movie…

then they got high and decided to cancel flying…

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A warcraft tv series would be fantastic.

Allow the story to unfold over a course of episodes and breathe.

The first season should focus on the kolbolds who terrorized Stormwind.

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Hot take, the Warcraft movie is better than Snydercut.

Actually not a hot take, Snydercut sucks.

It’s Sci-Fi, and it always will be to me.


The whole defias story would be amazing!

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Man it could have been so much more! Directors are stupid when they say games don’t have enough story for films. Do they not realize they have way more than a stupid film could hold?
Though, this argument is a bit bizarre, with how… lackluster and brief Warcraft has been since shadowlands. DF’s okay, but I would not invite it into a bed.

All they need to do is turn it over to their cinematics team, who is already knocking that mess out of the park.

And not Danauser for the head writer, or Christie Golden who does okay with the books but has kind of a lowest-common-denominator approach to the writing that does tend to need to be used with IP tie-in books. Get a showrunner who actually understands plot and character. Bring Metzen in to head up the thing.

QFT my friend. Couldn’t agree more.

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Someone has to fund it though, and studios don’t drop that kind of money on a video game movie adaptation.

I meant the audience wouldn’t mind the movie being in two parts.


I mean when you get down to it Warcraft is about an alien invasion.

I’d say it fits.

I fell asleep in the theater.

Years later it was on and I saw it all the way through and thoroughly enjoyed it (maybe my expectations were zero the second time).

It’s one of those movies that gets better each time I watch it.

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I’m amazed still at the orc CGI, also they fully rendered scenes not used in the final release. There were a lot of empathetic sensitivity for the terrible choices that had to be made on the orc side, but less so for the Alliance. I think it’s still a good film, but could have definitely been better. Warcraft I’ story line, even with the intensity of Gul’dan’s story, is probably the simplest story from the universe.

The travesty is not getting a Warcraft III movie with Arthas’ story. The problem there is trying to find a through-line for the audience to follow, since it’s largely a villian’s story.

Yup that movie was a good ol’ flop.
I wouldn’t want to pirate it even lol

All I remember about that duel is lothar not having shoes. Probably ran put of budget animating orcs

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it’s a great movie.