Warcraft is on Syfy right now

The movie reminds us that not all retconning is bad.

I might be biased, but Daniel Wu is the best Guldan this franchise has ever had.


Then… Do it in 2 parts. :man_shrugging:

Honestly, most wouldn’t mind really.

Ehhhhhhhhhh… Personally, Troy Baker did it better at portraying a sinster shadowly cloaky villain. But that’s just me.

I liked the Warcraft movie. You could tell the people who made it were into the story, it had a lot of neat references and easter eggs, the actors were on point and the effects were done before CGI teams became Marvel sweatshops and got spread so thin that everything looked like hot garbo.

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I thought it was ok.

I think some of the deleted scenes would’ve gone a long way to making it a better movie.


People still have cable TV?

Like, why?

They absolutely bastardized the lore, but since it was made around the time of Warlords of Draenor that was par for the course…

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It’s amazing how it’s always the Alliance avatars who disliked the movie. Honestly, the red orcs were amazing, and the orcish storyline was wonderful in it.


We should have some scenes like that in the game ,that would spice it up.

I mean, I can hop on a Horde character and tell you the movie was garbage if it would make you feel better lol.

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Don’t worry man, I love that movie too. Funny enough, it’s actually the biggest reason for why I decided to main a human character.


People were so primed to hate this movie, no matter how it turned out. Then they just couldn’t wait to embarrass themselves here on the forums with their ding-dong justifications for why it was the worst thing ever. It is a common occurrence with simple minds, you see it all over, not just in this particular fandom.

It was actually pretty good. The Orcs looked awesome. Gul’Dan was pulled off perfectly.


Didn’t really care for it but i love some corny stuff too so you get a pass.

The FF7 Movie. Pokemon movies #2, #3 and whichever number the Lucario one was, Equilibrium, American Psycho (ok about any movie with Christian Bale in it) and more recently the Puss in Boot movies.

I main horde.

The movie was objectively trash.

Yeah, it was so good that it lost money.

Gee wiz…I’ve never heard of a good movie that flopped at the box office. :roll_eyes:

In case you were not aware: Creative Hollywood accounting helps a move that made $439 Million in box office “lose money”. Pretty common. The movie cost $160 million to make, and they spent another $110 Million on promotions.

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No, I’m pretty sure it flopped because it was bad. Also, you don’t use “creative accounting” and then sell off all the props to try and recoup some of it lol.

Ok, genius, sure thing. :kissing_heart:

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Yeah, sure thing, just like I said lol.