Ugh messed up my post, yeah, Ogres are playable only in WC 2.
Warcraft 1 was pretty much just “Orcs vs Humans” as far as playable groups went. Roles that had gone to other races later, like the Troll Spearmen or the Elven Archer, were just Orc or Human, respectively.
Is there a trick to getting Warcraft II to launch on Windows 11? I bought it last week but have been unable to make it run on my system even in various compatibility modes.
Totally buying and playing this, again lol.
Sidebar, but digging the new look!
well well well. if it isnt miss fairlight.
i would be down for a remake for warcraft 1 and 2 but for now this will do just brought them
Not the full thing, but an incredible amount of work for a fan game:
I believe they are now also working on WC1.
Nice necro Anyhow they should give the original warcraft rts games the Warcraft 3, and Starcraft remaster treatment.
no they should stay as far away from those classics as possible.
im gonna have to get this for sure!