I’ve never gotten the chance to play Warcraft II, and I also didn’t wanna brick my little $400 all in one computer through “illegitimate activity.”
Why now though?
If I recall correctly I think Alleria & Turalyon are in Warcraft II, so this is gonna be neat to play before War Within.
I was planning on playing “Warcraft: Chronicles of the Second War” by LoreCraft Designs, which is a full featured fan-remake of Warcraft II Tides of Darkness created for Warcraft Reforged.
I think I will play the OG Warcraft II first, then the remake available for Warcraft Reforged.
I still have my CD’s for that, both the original 1995 version and the later battle.net edition. Along with the original, which still works fine on modern PC’s with dosbox.
I will assume Warcraft 1 just has dosbox integrated into the launcher.
Sadly you have to have the disks for those (I still do), and you had to have archived the last non-Reforged patch (which I still have). If you install it from battle.net, or even click the battle.net button on the old/good version, it will try to update to reforged. So it’s single player/LAN only (barring third party servers that is, which do exist).
You want the 1.27b patch (the latest/best non-Reforged patch). Blizzard actually still does have this patch available for download if you know where to look. But the only legal way to install the game first is if you still have the old disks.
I’m beyond excited for both Warcraft 1 and 2 to be available! Never played them before and while they may be out to date lore-wise, I’m looking forward to exploring the franchise’s early history.
uhm what bro. its also available on gog for like 10$. illegitimate activity? both of them are available on gog for 10$.
he’s in like 2 missions. mostly just a escort this npc unit. has same stats as a regular paladin. the only wc2 tod units that has upgraded stats is zuljin with +1 sight and cho’gall with +10hp same sight as a troll berserker for zul’jin… lother isn’t a playable npc unit (he’s set up to die in the 11th mission. it’s literally impossible to save him.) and guldan has -20hp from regular death knights. and -1 and -2 min/max damage. yeah guldan is a death knight in the game since they dont have warlocks in wc2.
it isnt until the expansion that you get actual hero units. deathwing is in the expansion so there’s that.
maybe. but anyone that bought the games still has them in their library. was probably part of the terms of the contract. gog very very rarely pulls games and i think it was only with the daggerfall and arena free rereleases. their still in my library.
my cd’s are cracked well the warcraft 2 one is never got original warcraft one. warcraft three is fine though.
uhm why. gog is a good platform. they are cheap at only 10$. they often go on sale too. they’re better than steam in many ways. just dont have a huge selection of games due to their strict drm policy. though they’ve been making small exceptions recently in an attempt to get more recent games on there. I mean i guess they’re not that good an alternative if your more modern game focused since they carry mostly older titles.
Oh, no, nothing wrong with GOG itself, I just have Battle.Net and Steam, and while it’s odd to say I don’t really want to have too many separate platforms.
only issue i have with gog is their client can be pretty bad at times one time it was stuck on an update loop for a couple months where it wouldnt update until i basically had to completely reinstall it.