Warcraft II released on BATTLE.NET! Alleria/Turalyon Lore!

i mean its a really good rts game. plus a lot of the stuff that happened is mentioned in wow itself.

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I’m not paying for games I already had that were then removed by Blizzard because they would no longer support them only to turn around and try to sell them to me again…

uhm what? warcraft 1 and 2 were never removed.

i got it on GOG, bundled with WC I, on sale

Glad to see Blizz finally tryna catch up though

Did have many many hours playing WC II with my first official unofficial SO. Good times.

edit: Now they just need to bring back Diablo I with the expansion, which i also got on GOG on sale lol

Life uhhh finds a way

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This thread has taught me that “GOG” is a thing lmao, how long has this been out?

I’m not really a hard-gamer tbh, I can literally count the franchises i’ve played with my fingers.

Seems GOG came out in 2008 but i only had it for a few years or so at this point since some friends kept telling me about it. i’ll also note it’s a legal n legit gaming platform so no worries about it being illegal activity. They also have a nice library of games with lotsa sales!

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Will Warcraft 2 be HD Reforged like the CWS Team did? That’s the question.

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I am thinking that the merger with Microsoft may have affected terms with GOG. It is great that people who bought them still have access though. It really sucks when you have purchased something digitally and something out of your control removes it from your library.

Do u know if they added the alliance version yet? I looked everywhere and I couldn’t find it :frowning: :cloud_with_rain: I already played the horde side

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If you’re talking about the Warcraft Reforged remake, I vaguely recall reading that it is in development, i’m not sure what the timeframe though.

I think they want to completely remake WC2 including the expansion, but its a large process because of all the custom models, among other things.

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Oki appreciate it ty! :cloud_with_rain:

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Blizzard’s best RTS. Bought it asap.

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Its been available on GOG for awhile.

Never played WC or WCII only frozen throne

This is an unexpected treat.

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They did bring back Diablo 1 with the expansion, it’s available for $13.50 Canadian on the bnet launcher, so what, like $10 USD?

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I’m not going to discount that this might have some bearing. I think it is probably more to do with distribution rights.

By the way, to anyone who didn’t know, WC1 and 2 have been playable for years at this point. Good Old Games (Run by CDProjekt) sold them and had sole distribution rights to WC1 and 2 for some reason. I imagine Blizzard reacquired distribution rights with the MS purchase.

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I bought both WCI and II because my old disks aren’t good any longer… so it is nice to have these digitally.


Just got both. Haven’t played 1, and 2 since sheesh I guess 1997. My collection of old RTS games is almost complete. Still trying to find an old rts game called Populous the Beginning though.

Deathwing is also in WC2.

ogres arent a playable unit in wc1?