Warcraft has lost its way

I dont understand what retracing old content has to do with moving the story forward.
Siege of Orgrimmar is more Horde content than Alliance anyway all the development is one sided and there is no scene particularily interesting that I would like to re-see.

@Micah confirming further that you are just baiting drama.
How many more times are you going to try?

Dude, the story moving forward is probably not going to include faction conflict ever again so why does any of this matter?

I am not as confident that there would be no more faction conflict.
But if that is going to be case and factions are going to get along like great friends then they, the writers, have to earn it.

There was a big step that was missed between Horde NPCs and Players committing a genocide and having play dates in waking shore.

Something should have happened inbetween to explain this. Have you seen that Orc dragonmaw quest? Its not perfect, i have my own problems with it but its a good first step.
Repeat that for the entire Horde in different contexts, tones and settings and maybe the step that was skipped could be remedied.

At least thats my opinion on what’s needed for everything to be “jake”.

Im not the one who freaked out like a child baby. You can keep blaming me for your bad behavior but it’s not going to work

I feel soo sad for you. You tried to cause drama, it failed and now your blaming me

So thats a 4th attempt.
Got it.

On your part? Sounds right. You going to stop tryin now? It’s pretty sad. You can admit you were wrong anytime you want, but you won’t :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Mh, about we do the same with Alliance players who killed the funny Homer Simpson miners in Westfall, or make Alliance heroes apologize for each Tauren that got firebombed in Taurajo?

Hey no problem from me, i don’t think any one side gets a monopoly “we sorry” apology tour.
Though you are going to have tough time with Taurajo, the commander got killed by the Horde. But Jaina is still around to apologize for the purge.

I don’t view this as a negative, its good world building if we want to end faction conflict as we know it.
As long as all the loose ends are taken care of.

It is. Despite me pointing out exactly why you and I don’t talk, you have done exactly as I predicted and did nothing to actually address the points I made many posts ago.
Instead more baits so… I am just going to respond to you the only way suitable.

And just as I expected, you have exposed yourself as someone who doesn’t even have the faintest idea what a good story is. No story at all, that’s what you want.

When you want to act like an adult, then we will talk.

You throw insults and than cry when nobody wants to have a conversation with you

All good stories have good world building and if the Alliance and Horde are supposed to get along as great friends going forward there needs to be world building that normalizes those relationships rather than skip it and pretend nothing is wrong.

That is objectively bad.

Literally the exact opposite. :thinking:


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Because Dracthyr joned the Faction Conflict, we suddenly have a Dragonmaw Orc pretending he’s sorry for capturing and training Dragons, who btw were barely more intelligent than animals when they were were first added in Warcraft 2. This isn’t a good story. That’s caricature as the result of retcons. You probably also think the Harry Potter movies explaining why Wizards didn’t intervene into WW2 is great, right? Laughable.

Dude what are you talking about? Dracthyr didn’t join the faction conflict and really shouldn’t have. Same as the panda’s probably since faction conflicts are above them.

Dragons have been presented as intelligent for almost two decades and a Dragonmaw addressing his crimes, if he is supposed to be a sympathetic character, is good. They are trying to square away the inconsistencies in their story that has been on going for decades.

The way you talk makes it more and more clear you have very little idea what good story telling even is or the subject matter.

Here’s the thing, I agree, but it’s never going to happen.

Just headcanon it, Alliance won the war but had high casualties. Horde had few casualties but lost the war. That’s just how it is and how it’s going to be going forward. I am so confident they are never going to reinstate the faction war that you can save this post and I will pay you 10,000 in game gold if they ever do.

So I had a personal attachment to Teldrassil. I remember spending time there as a teen back in vanilla as a wee druid, back before Blizzard figured out what the heck druids were even supposed to be for. It made me legit sad to see it destroyed in HD while everyone screamed. That the devs thought it “motivate” just baffled me and still does.

I still do not think we should be pursuing punishing anyone because making the faction conflict go hot outside of instanced BGs was a HORRIBLE idea. Tit for tat is a terrible idea—An eye for an eye makes everyone blind. I was content to see the despotic office of Warchief dismantled and a new council formed. It is effectively the same as seeing the horde collapse and a new government form in its place without actually harming players or their experience. I am wondering how long “high king” will remain, as it was invented as blue warchief which is pointless now.

I am also happy to see other consequences that don’t harm horde players, like the Kaldorei spurning communications from everyone and generally being furious with anyone who isn’t Gilneas for leaving them high and dry.

well… except for Belmont. I would like to see him punished as he was the chief architect of the Kaldorei concentration camps and the systematic blighting of Darkshore. But I have let go of hope for that to come to pass.


Damn dude, like…none of this is true, what?

They joined Horde and Alliance and people are currently pvping with them in the battlegrounds, what are you even trying to say?

Enlighten me.

Can you make that a million? with the way the economy is on my surver i can’t even buy a green item with that much cash. :rofl:
I have head cannoned solutions twice already I am not going to do it a third time.
Dragon Flight is the first expansion I didn’t buy and it will stay that way since the game doesn’t seem to want to stop punishing the blue side. I barely played the last two expansions.

If the Horde and Alliance relations were more frosty then I would be more encouraged but that cringy marriage story dashed any hopes of that. And the way they are totally ignoring all the bad blood in waking shore. Doesn’t seem like Blizzard learned anything at all in the past two expansions.
Same doodoo different expansion.

As I suspected you have very little idea the topic being discussed here. Pvp and Pve faction conflict are completely separate and are unrelated.
The issue being discussed isn’t the Pvp but the Pve content.