Warcraft has lost its way

I am not “yelling” at Horde players for it having said place burned to the ground.

I get into arguments when people try to say we can’t have this hammer drop both ways because its unfair to paying customers. According to my credit card statements I am reasonably certain I pay too.

Regarding your statement on PvP if the results of Pvp battles meant a place or populace getting burned and genocided then I would be more motivated to participate.
But this is all PVE so it has to be discussed in terms of any other PVE story.

Eh. If I had a magic wand I would’ve made Theramore a neutral hub. It was always very strange to me that it was an Alliance town as Jania had been pretty decidedly non partisan about things.

Would’ve been more interesting than Dalaran at any rate.


If pvp results actually had an effect on the Faction Conflict results then I would be participating in them. Yes.

Horde didn’t win a battleground to burn down Teldrassil or blow up Theramore.
And Alliance didn’t lose any pvp events to fail to defend them.

I don’t think this is hard for you to understand Benedict. You are a bright lad, i am sure you get it.

PvP is just a fun sparring match. You really only ‘win’ by learning to play your class better.

It’s a fun cartoon slapfight. If it were Spec Ops: The Line about everything nobody would play.

This was the failure of BFA. Which had the air of someone trying to get shirt tearingly maudlin about every death in a WH40k match. Informing us through tears about the hopes and dreams of every plastic man we thoughtlessly blow to smithereens.

And I’m just off in the corner wondering why anyone thinks a game where multiple people have chainsaws for hands is a good venue for getting misty eyed about the horrors of war.


Yes true so what does this have to do with the Horde for the umpteeth time canonically wiping out a city and setting on fire?

Its a story development that needs to be addressed in the story. Sure Horde players have no say what happens or not but they are the ones arguing here that nothing is better than something because paying customers should not be “punished”.
Pretty sure I pay too and that didn’t stop Blizzard for doing it again, and again and again.

My point is that both arguments are bad arguments.
Thats all.

Okay this is an advanced manuever here. But you don’t have to keep playing a game you don’t like.

I quit midway through SL because it was bunk. I didn’t even plan on playing DF but gave it a shot because it really looked promising and wouldn’t you know it? It was.

It’s a fun fantasy about soaring through the sky on dragons and helping walrus inuits make soup. Five stars. Completely delightful.


I missed almost half of BFA and the entire shadowlands. My characters are stuck in Bastion and I have no max level. I dont login into retail much besides the occasional farming of some half way finished achievement or cosmetic in legion or BFA.

Lets see what happens after the honeymoon phase is over. And when you don’t get “punished” it tends to be that way.
I am just happy to establish that both arguments regarding pvp from you or “punishing players” argument are wrong and misleading.

Where did I say I want faction conflict and nothing else? I’m perfectly fine with it being a minor part of an expansion happening here and there, but you know, existing instead of our leaders having happy wedding meetings and all PvP quests being handed out by random brokers/dragons.

Same with different bases and (at least a little) different quests. That always gave me a reason to play the other side. In DF I have zero reasons to even level my horde character because everything is lazy and same.

At least make a new bg or something.

There was Ashran actually. And “Kill 500 of an enemy faction’s race” quests. We don’t even have that now.

You’re of the determined mindset you’ve valuable opinons about experiences you don’t partake in.

It’s just silly, really.

This the childish behavior I’m talking about. You literally had to edit my post to try and make me the bad guy because you can’t admit you were the one lashing out

When you want to be an adult and admit you were in the wrong, than we will takk

Its based on those experiences that made me take a step back and watch how to story unfolded and I don’t need to actually grind to see it.

Different sources provide me with all the context I need.
I won’t be playing the game months hoping to finally have certain story threads actually conclude properly.

After BFA I saw that it wasn’t really worth it so I waited to see if the payoff at the finish line is worth it before commiting to it.
It wasn’t. So i am still waiting.

K x2

Well. Get comfortable.

Seems the story hurriedly moved on from that calvacade of failure and I’m all for it. Just give us a properly reformed Tirisfal and Teldrassil and everything’s jake, far as I’m concerned.

Its been couple years now, i got the hang of it no worries.

Well sure! Its unfair to punish Horde players so everything is jake.

Yeah. Nobody should be punished. Because it’s a fun cartoony game where even in it’s heyday doing something like murdering a child by launching a metric ton of ofal at him at high speeds was completely delightful. Because he’d explode into cartoonish meat mist.

Rather than you know, scream loudly and choke to death on his own vomit as he writhed helplessly under a pile of rotting flesh.

Because this is a fun cartoon fantasy world and not All Quiet On The Western Front.

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Yes indeed, nobody should be but it seems to be exclusive to one side and any amendments to that are somehow a punishment so the best course of action is to do nothing and continue the one sided punishment.

At least argue for it here which is my principle issue in this whole discussion.

Yes it should have stayed cartoon fun but the CDevs decided to go another direction for the benefit of one subset of players in 4k cinematics.

Btw, Good movie, not very accurate though.

@Micah K x3

I must confess, the personalities I met here on the story forum rubbed off on me. I pvpd a lot before (open world and in BGs) but until 2 years ago I never actually cared about “the faction war” from a PvE standpoint. I never had discussions about whether or not we should give the Forsaken a Ziggurat to counterbalance Draenei spaceships before. Or if we should add Amani Trolls as a race and give half of Quel’Thalas to them just so there’s an ingame Troll empire to counterbalance Kul Tiran naval power. Or whether or not we should add more ethnic divesity to one faction so players who engage in faction war PvE content don’t feel hurt when Grumbol Grimhammer and Danath Trollbane pop on screen and say they don’t like individuals of green skin complexion. No, me from 2020 pvpd as an undead warlock, because it’s cool and the fantasy archetype I always play as.

This makes sense from the Horde players pov.
From the Alliance pov you just see a string of losses and places taken away, killed off throughout the years and in patch X.3 we got to team up with the baddies we were supposedly fighting for the entire expansion.

Repeat this like for couple expansions and you begin to understand the frustration.

Why don’t you just replay the Siege of Orgrimmar raid or something? There’s an entire PvE playground waiting for you. Smallioz the mighty gnome mage vs Orgrimmar, avenging the countless innocent alliance NPCs.