Warcraft classic Cataclysm

I actually enjoy that expansion a lot and could give it a 9 out of 10. If that option was on the table for the last of canon classics, would you play it?


Never played Cata the first time around, so I’d probably sticky beak it out just to see what I missed. But based on how bored I was by the end of WotLK, doubt I’d hang around long.

Why do you rate Cata do favourably compared to others on this forum?

God no. For me Cata was a terrible expansion with one of the worst ever end game expansion fights, seriously between the terrible mechanics of the “Flying on the back of a dragon” encounter to the last fight being lol tentacles.

Leveling was terrible, they really dropped the ball on the storyline and the zones.

Pre-event was the worst one ever. You log off, the next day you login and the world is wrecked. The random burning in zones by Deathwing was stupid.

They tried to get back to “harder” 5 man dungeons and ended up creating some of most boring 5 mans to exist in the game.

The gear system was terrible and you end up having to basically run all difficulties each week to opitimize, including LFR.


I started playing WoW back in 2006 and started raiding at a disadvantage during BC with a 56k connection and only did t4 and sunwell trash runs. During Wrath I started raiding hardcore but had a few hiccups here and there. But during cata it was where I started to really shine, I mastered my rotations made a lot of friends that I keep in touch with to this day. And I was fully able to have fun, I enjoyed the blues I got with the ‘valor’ system and dungeons like Vortex Pinnacle, Origination and the deadmines were fun. I loved the questlines in uldum killing bad guys. And yes I even enjoyed lfr dragon soul, I remember many a Saturday morning and just enjoying the lively chat as we went from one boss to the next. I was at a low point in real life and those human connections kept me going.


I liked the little tugboat in Thousand Needles.

Otherwise, no.


I enjoyed Cata, this is most likely years ahead of us because we are just now being transitioned into TBC

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If I am sill healing by then, there is no way I would ever play Cath again. People forget that in addition to making the dungeons harder, they nerfed healing (if you were not a healer you prob never knew and kept running like it was Wrath and wondering why everyone is dying). We got told L2P. Being the healer and not being able to save the day when everyone else makes mistakes really sucks.

I can see all the zones in Retail. I can use Chromie time and level there if I want.


Cataclysm was the worst expansion by a lot of measures.

The game significantly changes at the end of WotLK. You get five different versions of every raid, no more traveling, and older content is effectively removed.

Ulduar is PEAK World of Warcraft. It’s evident in the current Retail game too, how the daily chores and being able to just wait for stuff to be handed to you or available for purchase, isn’t capturing peoples long term interest.

I hope that when they redo WotLK they highly consider removing a handful of features introduced later on.


Unfortunately Cata Classic will have to come before MoP Classic so yes I will play Cata Classic as a way to support MoP Classic becoming a thing


Nope. My limit is Wrath. I’ve played enough of the Cata content, admittedly post Cata era, to know I didn’t particularly enjoy the story. Add in that Wrath introduced many of aspects of Retail that I outright despise. Cata just doubled down on them. Not interested.


No. I hated the changes they made to paladin and shaman. ESP shaman


Release was like an 8 out of 10, albeit the hard dungeons and raids is controversial. Firelands was basically Ragnaroslands because it was a pushover and Dragon Soul is just a hot garbage raid overall.

I’d play it, but I’d be done after Firelands and just prep for MoP.

I don’t like it past the new initial zones quest lines for new races.

Nope. I thought it was a step down from WotLK

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There is a lot of potential for cataclysm. IT will require some changes, but it’s probably the most underrated expansion. It still had a lot going for it. It’s better than wod, legion, bfa, and shadowlands. Only TBC, WOTLK, and MOP are better. With some improvements cata could easily be as good as MOP, if not better.

Many people quit cata early because heroic dungeons and raids were ‘too hard’. Funny enough, these days people complain about content being too easy. Cata, would be perfect for this audience of gamer, and so long as blizzard is willing to further develop cata with some changes, it would be a blast. Haters will hate it simply because, but the more open minded audience wouldn’t shy away from it.

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Must have not done heroic firelands then, he was considered the hardest boss that expansion, and even during mop would wipe a group if you don’t do it right. Firelands is also one of the highest rated raids of all times, it’s makes the best 10 for most people. Overall dragon soul wasn’t as fun, but overall I liked the expansion more than I did Panda land, mop just sucked, 10 billion mandatory dailies, most annoying boss fight (tortuga), and in general uninspired.

yes, but there wasn’t much to do IIRC. the dungeons were cool

No, I wouldn’t play anything after Wrath and I don’t even know if I’d play wrath honestly. If I did it would be for Northrend and Death Knights, not the terrible systems and ease that wrath introduced

That’s what I meant by ragnaroslands cause the rest of the raid was a pushover. Could have worded it better.

I did ragnaros progression, but didn’t get him till DS. The raid itself is OK, decent boss fights but the difficulty was lacking due to heavy and early nerfs. All I remember is after the nerfs we went 6/7H no problem. 6/H was basically fogging up the mirror at that point and while difficulty isn’t indicative of good if it’s not there at all then it’s not good in my book.

MoP was better than Cata as far as I’m concerned. The dailies were an issue, but the raid content was good and had ToT which beats out firelands.

I’ll probably do the same. MoP is one expansion I never gave a fair chance.