Warcraft classic Cataclysm

idk why it would be the last, but at the moment, I would definitely play a Cataclysm Classic, as it has been my favorite first tier of dungeons and raids for any expansion to date, including Vanilla.

Can we come together as a community and get Blizzard to never introduce the LFR system? If so I think we can and maybe go further.

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Next question please.

Probably not. It ruined the game.


I quit after Cataclysm launched and didnā€™t return untilnhalf way through MoP. It had some pretty strong points. Battlegrounds were still worth doing, and it was very alt-friendly. It did, however, have monks and pandas.

This is as irrational as my hatred for rouges and blood elves.

After Wotlk every expansion just got progressively worse, Iā€™ll just stick to tbc and classic


No, I hate them, too.

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Those pacifist pandas, the boring orient setting, the bland zones, it felt like an expansion written by a 6th grade world history teacher

I liked the Eastern flair. Also, the zones were decent. Some of the mobs (Hozen and fish people) sucked about as bad as the pandas. Also, the forced ā€œActive Time Eventsā€ where you had to play through annoying things through the leveling process sucked. Over all though, I liked exploring Pandaria, and I leveled more alts during that expansion than any before it. LFR got me to experience most of the raids, too (though I eventually landed in some cross-server group and cleared Siege of Ogrimar on normal mode.)

OP is clearly trolling.

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From what Iā€™m readingā€¦ Cataclysm is when classic started to become retail. Is that correct?

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Vanilla started to be retail the moment it was released.

The majority of people having a major hangup with Cataclysm can be boiled down to this:

The game altered a lot of stuff and it just rubbed everyone the wrong way:

  • Talents were pruned and shortened by folding the boring stat-gains into baseline skills and stats
  • Talents also forced you to go deep into a tree before you could branch out, angering the people that liked doing crazy tri-specs or just the IDEA of tri-specs
  • Gear now gave bonuses provided you wore ā€œyourā€ appropriate armor type, so no more leather-daddy Warriors or clothie-Boomkins
  • The old world changed dramatically and the new leveling zones were scattered everywhere with cohesive internal stories, but no real connection between one another
  • The central hub was Stormwind or Orgrimmar, which got revamps, but werenā€™t new so people complained
  • Heroics went from jokes thanks to the year-long final phase of WotLK to fairly challenging and interesting that couldnā€™t be mindlessly plowed through
  • Healing was fundamentally changed to make mana management more difficult and the first set of raids really screwed with veteran healers who had geared up previously to just spam-spam-spam
  • Heroic raiding was quite the step-up in difficulty even for the first few bosses compared to what Heroic ICC and Heroic Tournament had presented, so breaking into that was another abrupt stop
  • Dailies scattered throughout the world
  • Tol Barad fighting was Wintergrasp 2.0
  • Etc

None of the things done in Cataclysm were necessarily bad, and in fact many of them were in fact very very good changes. But the thing is they all changed at once, suddenly, and after such a long and quiet and settled season of WotLK, it was justā€¦ too much.

Being as objective as I can be:

  • Tanking didnā€™t change much between Wrath and Cata, with Bears/DKs as the EH monsters and Warriors/Pallies as the adds/block heroes. Further, the expected performance from Tanks was roughly the same, minus the new mechanics and encounter designs
  • Dungeon and Raid encounters were flatly more fun overall than in Wrath and prior. Everyone really likes to talk about how disappointing Deathwing himself was across two fights, and it was disappointing, but it doesnā€™t overshadow how much fun overall Firelands and Blackwing Descent were, and the many bosses in Twilight Bastion and Dragon Soul that were individually very well done. The dungeons themselves were also well designed and while some portions were overtuned, like the Giblin packs, they were overall fun.
  • Classes all started getting their own identities again having gone through the ā€œevery class needs to adequately fill its roleā€ homogenization of Wrath, which is a net good
  • Honestly questing was great, the first time through I hated it because I was racing for server first Druid, but when I got to take my time I really really enjoyed it, including Vashir (sp?)

Iā€™m looking forward to Cata Classic because I want to go in with the knowledge we have now of all the changes and expectations, rather than the brick wall we slammed into that put so many good players off.


Iā€™d say cata is the first bad expansion Blizzard put out but now that weā€™ve seen through SL I donā€™t rate it as poorly as I originally did when it was live.

I consider vanilla through WOTLK to be the golden age. You may think TBC is best while I think Vanilla is and someone else is all about WOTLK, but theyā€™re all very comparable expansions at the end of the day.

After WOTLK the cycle of bad expansion to passable expansion started. I would generally say people view them as: Cata OK, MoP good, WOD panned, Legion well received, BFA hated, SL not over but better than BFA. I think itā€™ll turn out fine and didnā€™t hate it when I played it.

Next expac will probably just be hot garbage at this point.

I was just salty about getting killed by Deathwing so often.

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I think a point missed was the issue that hitting such a brick wall caused. It was the fact that is caused more then normal to quit, and for people to lose the families that had been killing bosses with for years, causing them to quit. Which then caused others who tried to tough it out and find somewhere else to call home to also quit, then LFR was introduced taking way the incentive of raid away from groups forming from the ashes which caused more people to quitā€¦ it was a damn social snowball that went out of control. It took out a damn quarter of the player base by the end of it all.

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There is nothing wrong with xpac stories and raid mechanics and new features (Except for Garrisons) The problem with the game as it grew was the fundamental change in the reward system. And forced character leveling.

Classic Should have been a retelling of all the WoW Stories. At level 60.
But it looks like they are repeating the original sin of forced character progression with the launch of TBC.

I had to search it out to get the damned achievementā€¦

I should have bought a lottery ticket. He killed me every time I turned around.