Warcraft 2

It lost money…

I could get on board with bale. I just did some googling and Jon hamm is looking the part quite well also.

I would rather have an animated show.

:grin: I got a thread for that →

Warcraft Series: Would you rather

(The thread linked above was made after this one)

I could see that.

They should make it with a promotional mount code, every wow player would go just for the loot

I’d watch it but it seems the original movie made either very little profit or cost more then it made. Tie that in with the fact that sequals usually make less then the original I cna understand why they didn’t make it. But I do wish they did. Make the trilogy at least. Or maybe skip warcraft two and make a warcraft 3 movie or maybe even tv show/mini series cuz there is just so much going on in wc3. Make it

I didn’t think the movie was bad but it wasn’t amazing either.

Eddie Murphy plays every character.

I’d watch mr hamm in anything phenominom actor.

Naw why not Michael Meyers instead.

The movie was fine. Just not great. I’d probably prefer to see a full length animated movie in the style/quality of their better cinematics than another live action movie.

They had david bowie son direct.

If they want a chance at a successful pt 2, it has to revolve around illidan, then leading into Arthas, pt 3.