I wouldn’t, rather send it from character to character if I need it, more so after what happened with the guild bank situation and most everyone including myself not getting anything back from it.
I can only imagine them losing like 5 million gold and them saying they don’t have any record of it and won’t give it back.
I just put low amounts in warbank , in multiples of 10k
1 10k is enough to pull out and train professions with
2 I can better control spending
3 If the warbank crashes I’m only out maybe 40kg
Just use it to consolidate your account’s accumulated gold onto one realm / character, and take screenshots of each withdrawal / deposit if you’re particularly paranoid.
Otherwise I would no more trust it than others do Guild Banks after that whole rancid fiasco.
Starting two weeks after the warning feature came out if used it exclusively for all my gold storage. Have a slight bit over 2 mill atm.
Not had any issues. But I do take screen shots that are time stamped once in a while “just in case”.
Also it’s all the same servers . Characters and bank. He no glitch at the start was a coding error bringing the feature online.
If the servers crash hard it’s all gone bank and our characters until they go to their backups. I know btw that with modern cloud tech the switch from primary to backup should be close to seamless.
except blzzard doesnt accept screenshots as proof of anything. quite a few guild bank owners sent in screenshots to gms…they said nope not acceptable proof. this has been their stance since day one.
Blizzard does not accept screenshots as evidence of anything whatsoever. They have logs. If not, they still won’t use your screenshot or any other evidence external to their systems. Basically, if their own logs don’t help you it’s tough luck.
Well, you can put it in two different places, the bank is one and bags are another. So I keep mine in my bags and if alts need gold then I’ll mail some along with a BoA item.
I was part of the crew that got stuff in their guild bank wiped out and Blizzard said, “Too bad. Nothing we can do.” So, Daniboone, I don’t put things in banks anymore.
On another note, if you want to store your gold you can mail it to me. You won’t get it back though.
There is no anger, there is only resignation. All of us who lost the entire bank of the guild have resigned.
After the complete disappearance of all contents from the guild bank, I keep the gold separate between my alts. When I reach x amount of gold, I send him to an alt with a letter and keep a copy of the letter in his backpack.
I hope that if they have that kind of “bug” again it will at least partially affect me.
After the gbank issues, never store anything in the bank unless you are ok with losing it. They struggle with banks and inventories now for some reason.