Warband valorstone 50% discount not applying

Not seeing them either

Still not fixed

You don’t even get a discount if you put higher ilvl “warband until equipped” gear that they can equip in an alt’s inventory.

Yea this still doesn’t work can we get this fixed asap like i want to play my alts.

Yup, this is getting irritating. But wowhead posted about it so bliz knows.

This should be in the bug report forum, but agree with OP, I have not seen any valorstone discounts this week either.

I put it here because I was not sure if it was a bug or intentional and would like some clarity from Bliz

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I would like to know when this is going to be addressed.

It is incredibly frustrating, because I am now having to bank gear on my alts and hold out so that the discount applies before I waste 50% of my valorstones on them.

Are we going to have a week this expansion when there isn’t something dramatically wrong with the game?

From another thread. It will be fixed at weekly maintenance