Warband Tabs Can We Not Overprice This?

An “expansion feature” absolutely should be available to everyone… even new players.


Just a heads-up the bank itself is free, you just have to buy the extra tabs with the last one being the gold sink.

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a new player literally has zero need for it when they start because they have a character bank and no alts. By the time they have alts they can afford a tab or two. World quests in DF give them enough from doing 2 flying ones for a tab.

The last bank tab is meant for auction house goblins. They stockpile tons of stuff. Someone that just plays the game normally isnt going to use 5 guild bank sized bank tabs.

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How do you buy the tabs now? Someone on my realm said the warband bank isn’t working right now.

Correct, they took it down atm due to issues.

as a non gold farmer , gold does NOT come easy for me even with 60 toons total , i do not play on them all . i recently got excited after i surpassed 100k for the first time since i started playing 20 years ago. I dont really care about gold and have no friends . EVERYTHING needs to be price reduced . i am also in favor of price locking in the AH as sometimes the hoarders really ask WAY too much for things like crafting materials , especially when a new xpak comes out , the try hards take everything and absolutely fill the AH with stuff that is so expensive i can hear my real life wallet crying as i sit and look at the prices of these pixels . it makes me feel left out as a player, and i dont really like farming , this game ruined that for me back in wrath, trying to make the motorcycle and getting ganked mining ore, or having a shadow player steal the ore ( before that was fixed )


It is available, just because YOU can’t afford it doesn’t mean it isn’t available.

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Its a gold sink to deal with the stupid amount of currency in circulation. That aside those wow tokens aren’t gonna sell themselves. :rofl:

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Its really ridiculous that 20 years in and we still see these off the wall pricing for things that we know will be reduced later with some AI generated apology.
Less than 1% will buy the last tab, of a feature that is suppose to help with alts yet they basically lock part of it out except for those that buy gold.


Blizzard has already said the high amount gold sinks have never worked because less then 1% would buy them. Thats why we saw in DF a ton more items for 100k-500k gold. Basically gold sinks that are far better to handle.

Extravagant gold sinks are so damned silly.

A gold sink doesn’t work when 99% of players will never purchase it.


God forbid that “99% of the players” see those initial AH prices leading into the raid tier rush at the start of the Xpack. End of the day people will dump the gold/tokens on those slots Day1 without a second thought.

The only large amount of Gold I have ever dropped in game is when BfA went live and I brought me on day 1 Mighty Long Boi mount…5 million gold…that is my one and only large gold sink ever…

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It’s consistent though with past costs. The last two Bank tabs in Vanilla cost 50 and 100 Gold.

That was a LOT of gold back then and most of us were using whatever gold we had to save for our first mount and training so that was a luxury we couldn’t afford right away.

100g was a lot but not unreasonable. That would be like the 200k now, not 2.5 million. By the time tBC came out I had 2 Epic mounts and they were 900g each.


How do i buy the tabs?

yea this pricing is complete bulllsh!t


You don’t right now …that bank is disabled.


Say wha? One of my alts is using my war bank. And when I found out who it is…