Warband Gearing

I see, I’ve got 6 WuE pieces so far. Seems like a nice thing for freshly level 80 characters but with so many weapon types, armor types etc it’s quite up in the air compared to some of the older systems. I think the best way would have been armor/weapon tokens but that’s just me.

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That would be ideal.

Will the WuE gear be tradeable within the raid like the other loot won from rolls? I hope so, otherwise everyone will start rolling on everything just in case so they don’t miss that opportunity to try to gear alts.

they way they were advertised, its just bonus loot just for you, a personal loot prize. why would needing on everything under the sun effect that? As if people ever needed an excuse to be greedy little treasure goblins before WuE gear.

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Wu not silly! Wu grand master, kick lotta butt.

Unironically what actually is the point of this dropping so low? If im clearing mythic to the point I can get this gear to drop, that means im in a guild that can very easily clear herioc and gear up an alt significantly faster than this awful pity gear

basically this- ‘our competitors are doing this better than us so we need to do something to make it look like we’re listening but we don’t actually want to do this, so we’ll monkey-paw it.’


While I hate to claim blizzard is ever actually intentionally shooting themselves in the foot, I really don’t get why it needs to be so limited… I’m the player… My alts are just different toolsets to play the game.

Why does it have to be so restrictive to gear my alts? I thought WuE gear was going to be most gear not very limited gear.


I don’t know either, but it’s more baffling if you take time off from WoW and play other games and come back…other companies treat the players so much better in some things while Bliz remains this oddly stubborn we-know-better company.
It’s like they have one specific vision for how things should be and that’s it, entirely, no other option is viable.

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How about “WE”?

I have been farming heroics with my tank for the past 3 days straight to the point where he’s fully geared for both specs over 580 total iLvl

I’ve gotten plenty of BOP drops from the dungeon bosses but I have not gotten a single. A SINGLE WuE drop.

I think you need to investigate these drop chances because something is not working.

“Happy alt gearing”

No. Just no.

On my alts I basically just bought AH greens and ended up gearing them myself because this WuE system is clearly not working.

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I got a really nice 571 staff for my druid alt off a rare in Dorn. Us altoholics appreciate your work. Also nice to see devs interacting on the forums.

WuE(t)! [woot] :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

Assuming the drop rate isn’t silly; this is a nice change of pace to hopefully get a head start on some decent pieces early on if you want to shift Alts late season. This def lessens the blow of the m+ loot changes for me if done correctly.

Absolutely amazing change, love it, thanks Blizz. This is huge!

I am pretty sure it is a very small chance and I am certain that it’s intentional on their part.

In Season 1 of D4 they had a similar drop rate for a major mechanic and several weeks in they finally admitted they were buffing it from 3% to 12%…they were 100% okay with a 3% rate on something that was a mandatory required drop to progress the season.

I wouldn’t be surprised at all if this bonus is similarly bad.

when is this going to be implemented? havent seen last boss drop anything extra yet

What about for Mythic+ Dungeons? Is it the same gear as you get BoP? or one track lower like raids?

Yea, I don’t know if this is already in yet, but it feels like it isn’t already in yet, and if it is already in yet then it needs some tuning so it will feel likes its in, and also I feel like there should be some mechanism similar to encapsulated destiny to force a drop of it from a dungeon, or from a raid boss (oh snap did we just accidentally reinvent bonus rolls but they’re good now) or what have you.

Also, it might be good to set some additional expectations here, because the blue posts here are giving me flashbacks to legion legendaries in the .0 patch cycle, where they were heckin rare.

Wue Tang killa beeees on the swarm!

Also the way it’s done you’re getting the one track lower version anyways.

You’re still gonna need to “do your eight” on every toon to not get FOMO’d from the timegate as progress gearing that doesn’t let you make up missed vaults nor missed raid lockouts.

All these WUE changes do is bait people into more sunk costing on more alts, rather than actually make it so you’re on equal footing with your main such that you don’t need to double up effort.

Someone at Blizzard wants to have their cake and eat it too. They want to avoid the one toon plays all classes streamlining of FFXIV while still FOMO’ing players across alts with falling behind (while pretending to not to).

Looks like it was mostly the former to put off the “why don’t we do it like FFIXIV” question corporate had for the devs.