Warband Gearing

In short: It’s BoE gear with an added loop for no reason other than to continue making the game more convoluted :slight_smile:

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Woo Woo, trains-a-coming.

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Love the clarification that it’s “a bonus” too.

Very in touch with the comments here on these forums… (“You mean I lost loot because of this thing?!”) They’ll still happen but can’t wait to link them back to here!

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~ UwU ~ gear


Now? Now you deign to give use the Wooey gear? I will suffer this farce no longer.

It’s not better, it’s just a way to help for those that want to. Running the blood DK would be better.

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Except it’s not because boe gear can be sold or traded


The main issue is the speed at which we’re leveling up, which means by the time we do reach 80, we’re so severely undergeared because of how little gear is actually dropping. Which means, you’ll be really struggling by the time you get to open world content /because/ of the lack of gear, which makes getting gear in your 80s /even more/ difficult. In other expansions I do believe there was a lot more gear dropping and I could fill out my character’s gear really nicely by the time I reached that expansions max level. In this expansion it’s been a lot more difficult and more often to go numerous dungeons without getting anything.

There’s also the issue of weekly chests not dropping gear for folks either, which is…a bit of a problem.


that’s just not true though, you have a 20% chance to get loot from every boss, you did before, you do now

Again, because of the speed we’re leveling and how little time we’re actually spending in each level, we don’t have time to collect enough gear to be geared up enough. So I think it’s reasonable to implement a bit of a gear buff – which I think is what this WuE bonus loot thing is.

Should say Wololo!

It’s also random, right? But the purpose is to play your main and not discourage you from trying something else. It’s not meant to replace having a main and “all your alts” are now “all your mains”…

I’m also speaking as someone who has also been trying to gear up my main over the past two weeks. Gear drops are far and few in between from dungeons and chests also don’t drop gear when they should. I think from the purple weekly chest I haven’t gotten any gear from it yet. Most of the gear I have gotten has literally been from renown vendors, rares, and the occasional bountiful delve chest. It could be on purpose to force people into more open world gearing instead of just focusing on heroic dungeons but it’s still annoying.

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The game came out Monday. I am curious if we will see more coming out of dungeons because it has been pretty sparse so far. Also, the bigger key will be what are the drop rates after the season starts. Looking forward to it too! I am hopeful for doing a +10 and seeing some extras drop to move things along. :smiley:

It came out Monday, but I did early access, so maybe not two weeks. A week and a half? I forget how long EA was for – four days at least? I’m also curious what the drop rates will be with the start of the season. Dragonflight gearing was pretty good – the weekly chest offered some super decent gear, then you had the mythic vault, and timewalking chests, and there was also that dungeon quest that offered decent leveling gear too.

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Oh, I meant that not everything was available during EA. Also, gearing up really pushes us toward the alternative gear sources than chain running dungeons (renown, crafting, etc.) since Hc dungeons don’t always yield the best ilvl. Those sources are largely unaffected.

See, renown is fine. They have some decent pieces of gear, but crafting is horrific right now, especially with the AH problems so that’s not a decent avenue. There’s also that issue with chests not dropping armor when it should or generally just being super inconsistent what /does/ and what doesn’t. Bountiful delves are also super sketchy when they drop gear. Rares are probably better, but also inconsistent. :thinking: The Searing Light event is decent at dropping gear from their rares. Or whatever it’s called – the Light something, in Hallowfall.


It would be nice if WuE UwU gear could be targeted somehow.

I have zero use for plate, mail, leather, and most weapon types on my alts. I’ve just been disenchanting it all. It might as well be BoP.

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That wouldn’t be a half bad idea – the ability to choose which type of gear you want to focus on for the week. Or maybe it focuses on the gear types of the people you have in your warband?? That’d be cool.


Free enchanting mats!

You could also save a loadout, in case you get the itch to try something different later on.

I will be shamelessly banking everything that drops from high keys.

I disconnected from crafting and community as a gear source since DF introduced work orders and profession knowledge. To me, it caused professions to no longer feel intuitive or accessible.

Some folks love it–not me.