Warband Gearing

Meanwhile delvs barley give gear and make me wonder why they got added aa “content”. When ive had several runs of no gear.

They really just need to put a currency you can grind for into delves for long term mount grinds. Change it up every other month so people have a reason to keep running delves.

If people are doing solo content there’s a good chance the gearing system isn’t worth dealing with other people over.

Love that idea honestly, but instead of changing it up just keep adding to it instead so no one has to miss out.

They clarified it’s “extra” it won’t effect your regular terrible M+ RNG

Weren’t they asking what it’ll drop at ilvl/quality wise?

This honestly would work and just call the currency ancient coins and after so many like you said, you could purchase a mount or like they promised a piece of end game gear.

Seems like a better solution to the Sacbrood problem than your broad sweep that affects everyone running every dungeon.

That doesn’t answer the question at all. I asked what track the gear is.

Maybe ‘warbound on equip’, WoE.

I think this is their replacement to that…hopefully

It also means you need to look more closely at gear when it drops since people have been used to only getting gear of their armor type for years. Now you can get cloth on a plate user again, so look more closely than just at item levels when you get gear!

I’m right there with you lol.

Of course, you all realize that we haven’t even started Season 1 yet. Maybe gear drops will be improved by then. Everyone is equally under-geared until then…

I actually have a WuE version of the sacbrood in my bags, and it’s 561 or something. Seemed odd but now makes sense. It’s at least the 10th sacbrood I’ve looted.


THATS IT …thats the reply

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Having run an absolutely ridiculous number of heroics last week (194 to be exact) I can say with 100% confidence this does not work. Not a single piece of WoE gear dropped for anyone in any of those runs.

I haven’t seemingly gotten any either.

I hope they increase the drop chance on this…

Or do something even better like just make all gear WuE for you… Cause like… I don’t get why they don’t…

maybe incorporate ‘follower dungeons’ into your new schematic of warband drops.