Warband bank with multiple wow accounts requires constant re-logging of all accounts to access

If I am logged into two of my active wow accounts and one character on the first account opens the warband bank, closes the tab, and leaves the area, a character on my second account opens the warband bank tab and sees the message “The bank is being used by another member of your warband.” I tried reloading on both accounts. I tried logging out the first account and reloading the second account, which is what works to shift battle pets to the preferred/active account.

I had to completely log out of both accounts and relog into the second one for that character to access it. If that’s intended, it’s not a very useful quality of life feature for those with multiple accounts. I can understand not being able to have the tab open simultaneously, but regardless, I’m reporting it as a bug in hopes that it’s not entirely intended given it doesn’t even shift access like battle pets. I might as well just go back to mailing items to my alts if I’m going to be logging in and out that much.

Additionally after relogging, several items were greyed out for the second character initially but it took awhile and multiple opening of the bank for them to not be greyed out visually (old tier token and radiant event currency).

It also took multiple right clicks of the tab to get the tab settings to open.


Yes, Just worked this too.
Another Note: Whoever has access to the warbank, can craft from it. Another account CANNOT craft from it, either, if they cannot access it.


Yeah, it’s kind of annoying for those of us with multiple accounts.


Thanks for checking that out and reporting here. That definitely adds to the frustration. I’m also struggling to trade certain items (event memories) to my character that has access which should be a workaround for now, but trying to remember who has access without running to a bank or using the CD on my item to figure it out is also annoying.

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Confirming this is happening.

Hoping this is not the intended use. I shouldn’t have to close the game in order to use a feature. I would rather keep using the mail system instead.


Ill throw my hat in the ring of “This is happening to me too”.

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Also to draw attention, this is a bummer. The currency transfer also seems to no be to other shared battle.net accounts. Double bummer.

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This is a big problem it pretty much makes warband bank useless.


Shared battle.net accounts? I’m not following what you mean there. I can definitely transfer currency between characters on different wow accounts under the same battle.net account.

Same here. I originally was thinking they meant it was had some limitations like warband banks. You can’t take currency from a character that is currently logged in.

Yeah, I’ve encountered that. There’s all kinds of weird race conditions if you allow for this to happen while multiple characters are logged in (which can be worked around, any large multi-user system has done this, just requires proper locking and clients to be aware).

And honestly, the limitation on transferring currency isn’t nearly as annoying to me as the bank issue. I feel like it’s got the logic to know that it’s locked (and not let someone else use it while locked), but closing it on the character that has it open doesn’t release the lock so another character can open it.

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Agreed, the bank issue will be way more frustrating and, for me, will be used more often than the currency transfer. And at least currency transfer doesn’t require logging out both accounts first. I just figured the warband bank would function more like a guild bank just for all my characters.

I was randomly getting this error as well. Worked ok for a while and then stoped working for a bit till i close the game and restart it. Found a blue post suggestion in another forum post saying deleting WTF, Cache and Interface folders could help but it actually permanently broke it now. I was able to use it on one account while cycling through toons and the second account open the whole time (though unable to open the bank) but now nothing. Have a married couple in my guild that both share the battle.net account and this will be an absolute nightmare for them.

Near endless numbers of toons can access the guild bank simultaneously… just sayin

A couple of other points…

First, you can use your Warband Bank Distance Inhibitor, put it on a 2-hour cooldown, and then be unable to access the bank.

Second, I share a battle.net account with family members who no longer live in my household. I have no in-game mechanism to figure out which other character they are logged on (a new alt) so that I could send a whisper to logout. Seeing other logged-in characters on your battle.net account in your friends list would be fantastic. Instead, you have to add all the other characters one by one.

I’ve been having to log in and out of my 2 accounts constantly today, and it took quite a while for the bank to realize I wasn’t logged in at all on my other account to be able to access it on my main one. Super frustrating.

Hoping something can change because sometimes a quick log out fixes it immediately but other times it takes several minutes/logs and I can’t figure out how to make it work every time.

Can confirm this is happening to me too. As one of the most highly anticipated features for TWW I find this very disappointing that it doesn’t work across accounts at the same time.

Glad to know this just isn’t a “me” issue. I hope this gets addressed soon.

This seems to be more pervasive than not. My second account has said that someone else is using the bank since the bank was implemented. Haven’t been able to use it. I’ll try relogging on both accounts but this is not ideal, nor do I want to do this every time Im playing. Can we get a community moderator or blue post to acknowledge this and what is being done to remedy please?

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I’m upset that I can’t log in to two accounts simultaneously and have access to my Warbank simultaneously. I like to think there are enough people who run more than one account on the same battle.net account, especially given that all my characters on all accounts are part of the same Warband.

At least an official stance from Blizzard would be enough for me. At least say, no we won’t allow this, due to maybe some bug or exploit they found. At least let us know if this is how it’s supposed to be or not.

“kind of”? it’s completely broken and useless. Trying to store gear from Pre-patch event to use on my other characters, is a complete nightmare. I go to the Warband Bank on my mage to get that piece of gear my Pally just got and nope. Have to log back into the pally, open the second account and physically hand the item to the character. In it’s current state, it’s not just useless, it’s counter productive and makes things harder. I keep waiting for it to be fixed since they keep taking the servers down for “scheduled” (actually un-scheduled) maintenence, but it’s still the same so far.