Warband bank with multiple wow accounts requires constant re-logging of all accounts to access

Yeah, this is really annoying, there should at least be a button to ‘stop using the warbank on this account’ if there is no way to allow all accounts using at the same time.
Being forced to not only log off to switch, but also have to guess which account has the access(cause u can’t really tell unless u r at the bank or using the skill to see the warbank.
That is really really annoying.


Just FYI, I just delete the cache folder from the main WoW folder and it’s been working. I have 5 accounts and its a major pain, but deleting the interface folder and WTF folder hasnt been necessary, if that becomes the fix, I’ll just pause all subs on all my accounts and come back down the road when it’s working. With all the “scheduled” maintenence, you’d think that one of the biggest new features would be working by now, ugh

I haven’t checked since I first tried. It may have been user error.

Same here. My husband uses one of the the many accounts we share. If one of us is on, the other can’t use the bank. Same with voice, which I understand but the bank?

I also have this issue. I generally find the first account logged in can access the Warband bank, at least if the other account doesn’t log in. Once the second account logs in, the Warband bank might get locked. To unlock it, I have to exit the game on both accounts, and log in on one. I like the idea of having a shared reagent bank, so I don’t have to mail mats between toons, but if I have to shut down the game before doing any crafting, that makes the Warband bank worth less than 3 million gold. Thank goodness the Brutosaur can be used by both accounts simultaneously. Now, since guild banks can be used by multiple players simultaneously, I imagine Blizzard will eventually be able to fix this.

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I’ve just had this problem, on the same account as my other characters. My 2nd account hasn’t been logged in for ages, and is only used to self invite my characters into the guild. She doesn’t do anything else.
Logged onto a second character on that same account and had no problems.

Logged in Character 1 - Hunter
Retrieved Email items
Used Auction House
Used Guild Bank
Used Own Bank
Tried to access Warband Bank

Logged in Character 2 - Druid
Retrieved Email items
Used Own Bank
Used Warband Bank

Used Guild Bank
Used Warband Bank

Used Auction House
Used Warband Bank

Logged back onto first character and all was fine.

Can’t think what might have triggered it though.

So no response for over a month on this issue. That is a BUMMER.

I don’t understand how or why we have to completely log out, not /reload (like battle pets), when a different subaccount is going to access the Warband Bank. It’s beyond annoying.

Also, I cannot do crafting orders from the Warband Bank. I can craft away, but not fill crafting orders, even personal ones from other characters.

Those two issues make the Warband Bank a very halfa@@sed attempted at shared banking.

I can see if you don’t want TWO or more accounts accessing it at once (actually I don’t as if it’s one BNet account it’s one BNet account!), but this completely logging out and logging in is very frustrating.


Right, it’s like they skipped the class with the lessons on Locking and Synchronization in their Comp Sci / Comp Programming degrees. Sad they can’t figure out how to do what’s been around forever.

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Beyond the Warband Bank issue, having multiple WoW accounts sharing same Battle.net one has become a major pain. Blizzard seems to be trying to eliminate this but families, friends, and sometimes individuals have been doing it for years. We really don’t know if all the new problems we’re finding with shared accounts is another bug or Blizzard’s way of trying to force us to change.

In any case, wondering how my son, for example, could switch his WoW account to another Battle.net one without having to start over from scratch.

Two out of Three of those have been against the TOS since day 1 of wow (except for a very specifically carved out exception for a SINGLE minor child (no parents, no siblings, no adult children, the list goes on and on), you can’t even let two children share with you, I bought my kids both their own accounts to avoid this all together).

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I’m having the same issue. Two WoW accounts on one Battlenet account (I’m the owner and sole user of both/all accounts). If I use the warbank on a character from one account (like my main account), and close the bank and leave the area, any attempts to use the warbank by a character on the secondary account gets the “warbank being used” message. This is true even if NO character from the main account is even logged in at that moment.

The method suggested in this thread of logging out of both accounts AND the Battlenet account and then logging back into Bnet and going directly to the second account will then let any character on the second account access the warbank. HOWEVER, even if I then log out of the second account and into the main account, all characters on the main account will see the “warbank being used by another member of your warband” message.

Honestly this is more than annoying… the characters on my second account are shown as being in my warband and yet Blizzard can’t let them seamlessly access a major “feature”.

Come on Blizz, toss a bone to us… we want to use the features like you advertised. :frowning:

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I get that two would not be able to at the same time, but as soon as it is closed and there is an ability for the server to see that it was closed and no longer being accessed that it should be able to be used by the other toons on the connected account. It honestly is killing the ability to use it. I just mail stuff all to one character at this point and logon to that one when i need something.


I set up a second account and use it exclusively for banking. I send stuff from my characters on account one to my bankers on account two. Not having the warband bank available is definitely a downer. I may cancel my banking account subscription if this doesn’t change. I suppose the good thing for me is that it would cost half as much per month to play the game.

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Still a problem. I have to completely log out of both characters and then make sure I log back into the correct character first when ever I access Warband resources.

Warband bank & Pet Battling both impacted by this.

Either need to open and close access when we have Bank actively open or Pets Journal open, or a button that allows us to grant control of the Warband resource to the selected character without having to log out of all accounts.

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So frustrating. My 2nd account is completely logged out. I reloaded my 1st account, still can’t access my bank. Then logged out of the character and back in - still seeing, “The bank is being used by another member of your Warband”.

Have to completely exit the game on both accounts to change who has access to the Warband Bank.


This must be so hard to implement. Not like we have guild banks or something. WINK WINK