Warband Bank missing items

I have checked my warband bank and I am missing all of the pre-release even items that I had stored in the warband bank.

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Same here - it’s all gone after I spent a good amount of time working to get it all. None of the gear from the prepatch event is there, so the alts I had levelled and wanted to equip and then play in WWI are all now just gonna sit there inactive.

All the gear I farmed is gone from my warband bank, which was just about an entire tab. However, all the bags I bought are still there.
I submitted a ticket with Blizzard for this. It was all there this morning before reset. I haven’t checked my alts yet to verify if they still have what was in their bags.

Essentially here to add my name to the list.

Like some of the other players here, it’s specifically my items from the pre-release event that are missing. Granted, I didn’t have much in there and all my primary alts were fully geared up from said event, but the extra gear that would have likely been used by my secondary alts at some point is all gone.

It’s not a make or break matter for me, but it’s the sheer principle of it that’s irritating me more than anything else, especially as this is the sort of thing I’d have thought would have had all the kinks ironed out before release. It’s also got me now worried that I’m going to do something such as drop a bunch of extra ore in there for an alt, swap over, then have nothing :face_exhaling:

This appears to have been fixed on the 8/28 patch. Thanks!