From how I did understand it, they want to extend that gradually.
ah ok, that does make sense. Thanks
From how I did understand it, they want to extend that gradually.
ah ok, that does make sense. Thanks
Anyone had the courage to dump a bunch of gold in it yet. I’ve put a bunch of stuff in there but am a little reluctant to dump gold in mine.
I did dump gold from chars I did delete in it…I think it is still there…but I didn’t try to withdraw it yet
This is what I don’t understand and it’s probably due to my own play style.
I don’t need the warbank for anything other than gear that I’m going to pass onto my alts and for the compilation of gold from all alts.
Because I tend to clean things out periodically, usually at the end of an expac but sometimes before, (before the gold reset) I never need more space than what I already have on all my toons with their own personal banks.
The warbank is great because it’s how we can share amoung our alts but it’s just gear/weapons and that’s it.
Once a weapon or gear is obsolete, I sell it so I don’t need extra space.
Idk why anyone would hang onto stuff after it’s become obsolete.
Let me give you an example of how I would use the warbank if I would buy all 5 tabs. I did write it in another thread (and probably others as well)
Maybe it makes sense to you. Keep in mind people with quite a lot of toons.
That makes sense then, especially if you raid, do TW’ing or mythic stuff.
They did this with garrison blueprints, so if you’re poor you go complete stuff to earn the upgrades.
I put gold in mine, but as I mentioned above, you can’t do anything with that gold other than withdraw it.
If it could be used for repairs and buying things (from Auction House) it would be way more useful.
So, my point being that a Botter is upset he can’t get convenience. Especially considering that if a multi-account license user wanted to minimize their access to warband banks, it would cost more than what they could have available to get more tabs. If I had 8 licenses on one account, I would want 8 warband banks. It costs millions to max 1 warband bank whereas across 8 I could have 2 tabs per account at 26k x 8 = 216k for 16 tabs. I have 20+ max level guys on our accounts and the two tabs alone were enough until the guild bank went crazy. What you are describing, still sounds like a Botter.
That’s not how it works. Warband/Warbank are Battle Net wide if you had 8 licenses on one account you would still have only a single Warband/Warbank.
Imagine complaining because you have too many items and too may accounts??
Only because he has 2 licenses doesn’t necessarily mean he is a botter, he might just have a lot of chars.
Again, a account has exactly one warbank, no matter how much licenses you have…as long as it is in the same region. And you only have to pay once per account not per char or license.