Warband Bank is honestly really bad

I know some of them. Do you know how much tabs they bought? Two. You could also ask Moused how much she bought. I think it was also two.

Luxury cost? yes, Luxury feature? by no means. The last 2 tabs offer nothing that the first 3 don’t offer. There is no luxury inside except for the price.

I only bought one I didn’t think two was worth it…

Its a luxury but its admittedly gives a bizzare feeling. It feels almost predatory. That the tabs are designed to go after people who would buy tokens because they are afraid of missing out.

For worse or terrible gold has a real world money value now since wod so all of these costs are suspect.

Saying people need to stop crying about a gold sinks is a personal attack? Lmao you are special

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I also did buy only 1 for now and consider buying a second. And while I can’t buy tab number 5 I could easily buy 4…but I’d never for 500k. No way

Nobody actually needs that last slot.

Doesn’t mean something like a 2.5m bank tab isn’t a waste of gold.

And you’re extra special :roll_eyes: :clap:

They are only suspect because you can’t go without something others have without feeling bad. That’s a you problem. Fomo only exists because people lack self control and are spoiled into thinking they deserve everything they want.

Agreed… it feels like it came out before blizzard started selling gold and people would be alright with sinks like that.

Why is that? :dracthyr_a1:

Ive over 25 million gold… what are you talking about?

People did sell gold before the token but it was way,way rarer. Most players used excessive amounts of gold to buy luxuries

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Then stop claiming it’s predatory behavior to have these gold sinks.

Ehhhhhh. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


What does how much gold I have have to do with it being predatory or not?

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It was… I sold carries since tbc. Buyers were usually upfront if they were buying gold and we shuffled bookings around because some didn’t realize its not always instantaneous.

It wasn’t really till… late mop that carries for anything that wasn’t a raid mount run on the highest difficulty took off in full swing. There were are course some but nothing like after the token.

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sadly, it’s BoP. I had thought that maybe because it was a tabard that it would be given the warband label, and this be transferable. Unfortunately, that is not the case.

I can hope that I can buy the set on that character the next time the darkmoon faire is in town (maybe the new warband stuff will allow it) though I suspect not

  1. I never even considered buying the 2.5m tab. Four tabs is plenty and the most I’ve ever had in my war bank.
  2. I find it convenient for transferring gold and resources without having to log back and forth.

The warbans bank doesn’t need that. Nor do I personally care if you put me on ignore, go straight ahead. It won’t really bruise my ego or whatever you think I’ll be insulted by.

Sounds currencies go into the warbank? No point, really. You can just transfer most of them. Plus the plan is to go backwards. If that’s meant for items that are tossed into the inventory, Blizzard said they were gonna work backwards.

If people can’t be patient, that’s hardly my fault. Also, there are likely items that don’t have their code in an easy place to change ftom Soulbound.

Most people think it’s easy, and I am willing to bet 99% of those people didn’t work on the coding department. Or anything related to it. I am also willing to bet you yourself haven’t, either.

Most currencies these days are bound to your currencies screen. This just makes it easier to transfer between characters.

There, has that addressed what you think is a concern?

So far I have brought 1 …waiting to see how the new expansion goes for drops and ores and herbs and such…more then likely I’ll get a 2nd tab though…personally I think buying all 5 is a waste of gold…it is for me since I have 5 personal guild bank with bank alts on each one…

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I have two tabs. For now, it will be one for materials, and one for everything else. I may change my mind later, but it works for now.

It’s clear. They expect average players to have one or two tabs at most. Only Work Order barons who started at the right time and right server get more