I’m struggling to find a better addition to the game than the Warband Bank, mostly because I didn’t know (until today) that you could deposit and withdraw gold.
No more starting an alt on a different server without the funds to buy bags!
I’m struggling to find a better addition to the game than the Warband Bank, mostly because I didn’t know (until today) that you could deposit and withdraw gold.
No more starting an alt on a different server without the funds to buy bags!
You can say that again.
I’m hoarding tier pieces in them as we speak, warband made mog hunts way less tedious.
The prices on additional tabs seems designed to sell wow tokens, but other than that it’s great.
That must be a new feature.
previously you could only deposit gold
How about transmog?
Or the mount, pet, and toy collections?
Or flying?
its not, quit spreading misinfo. you’ve always been able to withdraw the gold you put in.
Interactive key
I remember a time when people were complaining that the gold they put into warbanks vanished.
I think it is alright?
To be honest the warbank itself isnt really useful since items could of just been made boa for the same effect.
Account wide rep was nice.
+1, the interact key is totally boss.
I’m glad they finally fixed work orders so that they’ll pull from the warbank. Man was that a pain in the neck.
I’m impressed that somebody thought you could only do one and not the other. Exactly what did you think would happen if you could only deposit gold and never withdraw it
its funny because this is what happened when warbands launched
sheesh guys. dont over think it. I was making a joke based on the bug about how so many were losing their gold they deposited into warbank when warbands/bank initually were launched.
The greatest addition to the game is “flying”
That’s fair enuf too.
Warbands while great cost others millions of gold worth of mats and history when as a by product peoples guild banks got emptied by a bug. Other then that its damn good
I think the greatest addition to the game was renown. it’s nice to have cross character account wide rep rather than having to grind it on both your main and your alts.
It’s great if you store materials so that they can be used for crafting across multiple characters.
That was a bug, not the design.