Warband Bank: Greatest addition to the game?

Yes, and it was a joke. Not a serious statement.

The problem is that there was nothing to identify it as a joke.

I’m sure the next incoming comment from someone will inevitably be, “lawl you didn’t know you could withdraw so now you’re backpedaling!!” :rofl:

It’s very convenient and I use it for crafting all the time.

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great idea…
but the implementation is lacking.
i’m still getting the occasional
denial of access error due to another of
my characters using the warbank, when
they’re not.
disabled all of my add-ons…logged off…
logged back on…to no avail.
and then…miraculously…at some point,
it’s working again!

I thought the entire comment was identifying itself as a joke!


I will try harder next time.

The bug has nothing to do with withdrawing from the bank, which has always been a feature.

It’s a good QoL addition, not sure I’d call it “great.” But possibly one of the best features of the xpac.

Yes it was a silly joke.

until a guild bank esque error happens to your warbank and you lose all your stuff and blizz just goes:

like they did with guild banks. and then only restores a laughibly small portion of your items.

The only thing I use it for is something you could already do in the game, which was send your alts gear.

The actual good thing is the rep share and the WuE items. The bank aspect hasn’t been useful for me.
You know who loves the Warbank? The people who have every crafting prof maxed on like 6 different characters. Thank god for those people too, they crafted my stuff recently and it’s so much easier to deal with one person who has every profession, good lord.

Mine is almost entirely full of BoW gear I’ll probably never use and became mostly invalidated due to Siren Isle.

I think I will likely end up disenchanting all of it soon. Lol.

I have to agree, 5 Enchanted Runed Crests(1 from story raid and the other 4 from renown) goes a long way with alt gearing.

I’d say the mount+pet tab, carrying around individual mounts and pets in our bags was nuts, just keeping a few of your favorites on you and leaving the rest in the bank sucked.

Probably LFG. Imagine trying to do world bosses or form farm groups for outdoor content without it, game would probably be dead. Even M+ uses it.

Imagine if you had to advertise in chat for M+. Dead on arrival.

Until they let me mog cloth and plate stuff on my hunter, transmog is just okay


I enjoy these

Skyriding brings me a lot of joy in TWW, the active riding nature of it has me pumped for DRIVE in 11.1

Over the past few years we’ve had some AWESOME additions to the game.
My most noteworthy ones are:

  1. New/Dynamic Flight
  2. Warbands Bank Deposit/Withdraw Gold and Items
  3. The new professions system (Im a big professions guy and the new changes are a really nice fresh take with a lot of depth that keeps me interested and comming back to play)
  4. Trading Post. Some great mogs and mounts to be had there and something else to look forward to at the beginning of each month.
  5. Solo-Shuffle Arenas. Previously I found it a pain to que up and find someone for 2’s and 3’s. although I enjoyed arenas it was a bit more toxic and often times you would only get 1 round out of someone and they would quit on you, then back to the search. with solo-shuffle arenas its a much more friendly and streamlined process and we get to play 6 consecutive rounds instead of the normal, play one and re-que.

Yeah it was a very simple qol thing for them to do , but took them 20 years anyways >.>

What has ever been better than an account wide reagent bank that can also store gear and everything else?

My only gripe, if you’re say, prospecting bismuth and have 3 in your bag with 500 in the war bank, it won’t “prospect all”, you have to smash the button over and over or deposit the 3 in the war bank.

Unless you are a world famous stand up comic with a jester costume and a taste for bad puns, its damned difficult to tell that via plain text.

Maybe start the next comment with “Did you hear the one about…(insert topic)”
