Warband Bank and Event 480 Gear

Just happened to me as well. Blizzard, you have 12ish minutes to fix this.


All my warbound gear from the Echos event just disappeared! Now I was saving them to give them to the characters who need them to level or at least vendor them…


Yep, all my warband gear become “soulbound” when I switched to a different character and then when I switched back, all the gear items in my warband bank disappeared.

So stupid.


Exact same thing just happened to me around 4:30pm central time. About 25+ of the Dalaran Defender gear items gone.


same here, it was fine earlier, gearing up alts from the warbank, then next toon it was soulbound, tried next toon and it was all gone


Mine are greyed out and marked soulbound, but still visible. Not clicking nuttin in case they are able to fix this.


When you switch characters, they’ll be gone :frowning:

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Interesting is that I have some 385 primalist gear, and that remains active and visible and warbound.


Same thing happened around 4:30 PDT with my last piece of Dalaran Defender gear in the warband bank. I was going through toons equipping the gear I had. I only lost one wand as that was the last of the Dalaran Defender gear I needed to equip on a toon. Initially I withdrew it on a mage but did not equip it. I put it back in the warband bank, and it was still there. I logged on to another toon to grab it, and it was gone. Double check the mage, checked with addons disabled, I checked Item Restoration, and it’s just not anywhere.


Same here. These are soulbound now to the toons they were on…

Bought the following:
Dalaran Defender’s Blade
Pendant of the Mage City
Ring of Returning Memories
Dalaran Defender’s Favor
Dalaran Defender’s Boots

The following item dropped from a mob:
Dalaran Defender’s Spear

About 20+ items in the Warbank are gone. No sign of them.

Didn’t vendor anything, and the vendor itself said any purchased items would be Bind on Pickup about 10 mins before the Echoes events despawned.

Imgur: IYYXrF4


Pretty much what the title says. I’m only adding this because I CAN see the items in the warbank but they are faded out. I can mouse over hightlight them but I can’t do anything with them.


Yeah, something is completely borked. Some of us had all that gear just erased and the portals for the event are gone.

Go figure, I had one alt left to finish gearing up.

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Give it a few minutes, it’s going to disappear on you.


Thanks Homer.

“It’s your worst day SO FARRRRR.”


Where is my BOE Echos even gear? I spent a lot of time playing to gear the gear for my characters. I had 1/3 page of gear for my alts and it’s all missing. Xpac hasn’t even launched and reset isn’t until 27th. Come on blizzard this is our time we spent playing YOUR game. Please fix this.


All of the equipment was freshly flagged as bind on pickup about one hour ago (maybe?) so they became soulbound the moment you logged into any character. Once they became soulbound, any you had stored in your warband bank were automatically scrubbed. Awesome stuff.


I spent a lot of time farming over 70 items and was happy to meet the deadline. I was just about to assign them to each character and then they all disappeared.

When I reported this issue, I found a notice on the page that they are currently unable to resolve the issue of guild bank items disappearing. I am not sure if the warband bank and guild bank have the same issue. It would be very disappointing if they cannot resolve this issue.


That is so not right. That is gear we earned playing wow, a game we pay for each month. I had about 30 pieces of gear to dole out to toons, now just gone? At least reimburse the amount in residual memories so we can use it to purchase from the vendor!


I had about 6 or so weapons from the event just disappear from my Warbank. They were ones that dropped for characters capped at 70 a while ago and was still trying to decide who to give them to.


Blizzard taught me that things stored in banks are not safe. When the financial crisis comes, they will disappear. Maybe I can only go to the rooftop at that time. Fortunately, my house has only two floors instead of 20 floors :frowning: