War Within Reroll Guild Interest Check

Hey everyone,

With the War Within expansion on the horizon, I’m curious if there’s any interest in forming a reroll guild. The idea is to start fresh on a medium population server (faction doesn’t matter), around the time of pre-patch, maybe a little before if enough interest is expressed.

Why Reroll?

Fresh start for the expansion
Opportunity to try new classes/roles

What We’re Looking For:

Players excited for War Within
Casual to semi-hardcore playstyle 
Positive, helpful community atmosphere
All levels of experience welcome


If there’s enough interest, we have experienced guild leaders ready to step up and organize.

Next Steps:

If this sounds like something you’d be interested in, please leave a comment below with contact information (Discord) and I’ll make sure to add you to the list and reach out once we have good amount of submissions. Let’s see if there’s enough excitement to make this happen!

Kdot#1212 is my discord.

Do you have a Discord server or something set up? Don’t want to leave my info. How many interested? Type of guild? AoTC, 3000+ raider io, 2400+ PvP sort of thing? Social/Leveling?

I think there is some interest, but it’s not really on the WoW forums and Reddit makes it difficult to organize these things. Plus, your post is very vague, probably intentionally.

I did a reroll guild in WoD and another in Legion. Both were fun experiences, but even with 200-300 members, neither ended up with enough geared max levels to really push content. Sort of the curse of these sorts of endeavors. I know it sounds counterintuitive and perhaps even counter productive, but most people are only interested if a ton of people are signed up, since the smaller projects all seem to die. “You need job experience to get your first job” sort of catch-22. It’s also why the big streamer / content creator rerolls tend to do better - they come out the gate with a ton of reach and buy-in.

Hey there,

Thanks for your interest and sharing your experience! You bring up valid points. We haven’t set up a Discord yet as we wanted to gauge initial interest here first. If enough people are on board, we’ll absolutely create a Discord for easier communication and organization.

As for the guild’s focus, we’re intentionally keeping it open at this stage to see what the community is looking for. We have players interested in a variety of content, from casual leveling/socializing to pushing Mythic+ keys and raiding. The leadership team is experienced and adaptable, so we’re confident we can cater to different interests as the guild evolves.

You’re spot on about the critical mass needed for success. We’re hoping to find that balance between gathering enough interest to be sustainable while also creating a welcoming environment for everyone, regardless of their experience level.

We’re open to any suggestions you have, based on your past experiences with reroll guilds. If you don’t want to leave your contact info, feel free to reach out to me on Discord, my username is twwreroll_37433.

If you have a decent core setup I would be interested in chatting with you about possibly doing a collaboration.

While Server and Faction don’t really matter coming in TWW (Faction already) I have done a similar thing to what you propose way back in wrath.

While the guild is not interested in xfering since cross realm guilds are coming we might be able to work something out.

Thanks for reaching out! We’re definitely open to collaborations and would love to chat more. We haven’t selected a server yet, but we’re leaning towards a medium population one to foster a close-knit community while still having a healthy player base.

What’s your Bnet, lets chat.