Right…it’s like voicing your opinion in a group setting, invariably someone will always chime in with ‘calm down’
Like… I get it. It’s just a login screen and has no bearing on the overall game, but it’s 100% a valid criticism to make. The login screen has always set the tone and stage for the expansion ahead, and the login screens throughout the years have become a tentpole icon for the franchise itself.
Me personally, I always enjoyed logging in after patch day to see the new login screen. It became a personal ritual for me that generated a ton of hype with each expansion. It’s not the worst loss in the world, but it is disappointing to go from something more dynamic and immersive to something more static in appearance, especially when the expansion itself literally has several landscapes that could be utilized as the login screen. They could have used the sword in Silithus, the crystal in Hallowfall, or the Nerubian empire. It was handed to them on a silver platter, so it’s bizzare of them to not utilize it.
My hope is that Blizzard has larger plans for this login screen that we aren’t seeing yet. This next expansion is serving as a soft reboot for the game with a higher emphasis on storytelling (presumably), so I’m hoping the login screen reflects that by doing something as the expansion progresses onward. But that may just be my wishful thinking. It’s not like Blizzard to be that creative.
so…what ?
And it’s very, very, lame
I like the login screen but at this point Blizzard should just let us choose from the old ones as well.
Maybe they did not want to use landscapes because these next three xpacs are about the world soul. In this xpac the shell of the world soul is cracking, in the next one it maybe getting corrupted, and in the last one we may see it open with a peak inside. So this log in could be the first of a theme.
I have a mancrush on Jason Hayes. Incredible composer.
I never claimed that it would impact my gameplay. At this point you are starting to sound like a bot.
Do you even know what bot means
“A different opinion. Must be a bot”
This here.
Was going to say close to same.
It really gives me a Dwarven keep door feel and I like it.
It’s boring. It doesnt evoke the same nostalgia as say the Dark Portal staring you in the face or the beauty of the eternal blossoms or just having a dragon swoop in(DF and Wrath) or be center stage(Deathwing)
Personally this wouldnt matter if people could CHOOSE THEIR LOGIN SCREEN.
It do be kind of ugly. Easily the most bland login art ever.
It does to me. It’s ominous. But clean and sharp.
And we aren’t staring at it like we used to.
I mean, obviously this is all subjective, but I fail to see how it’s ominous in any way, shape, or form. It’s just a wall with a couple cracks in it. It doesn’t signal anything to the player.
I find it equally ominous to a portal that doesn’t signal anything to the player.
Well, I never claimed anything about the portals ever being ominous, only that they were thematically aligned with the expansion and gave you some idea of what to expect.
This doesn’t do anything. I have no idea what to parse from it.
What different opinion? You asked me a question that was completely unrelated to my post, lol.
“You should check out WoW, it has the best login screens.”
Nope never heard anyone say that about WoW.