The one that was “leaked” or “datamined” was in fact the official login screen not fake or whatever. It was very VERY real.
No . It’s almost like it was datamined from the actual game files.
For those wondering the context, Wowhead posted the login screen music.
I’m wondering why so much mystery.
Even the beta has been live for a bit. Folks had been streaming the alpha for a while too.
You would think the loading screen is one of the first things to be revealed. It tells you next to nothing.
The login screen is probably low on the dev priority list, they may have just gotten it done.
The more kept secret the better! Wow is better that way.
It’s the strand of the ancients front door
looks like a mobile wallpaper of sorts.
Kind of like they had other priorities to get out. Now that they are getting closer to launch and pre-patch, they are checking off things on the list.
Login screen is very bland and uninspiring. At least the music is good.
not a great login screen
but it’s also just the login screen, who cares
Now if you’ll allow me to slip my tinfoil hat on… What if each patch the login screen evolves? the cracks get worse, pieces start to chip away, and by the end we see what’s behind the seal?
I don’t understand the problem. It’s simple and clean and sharp. Slightly ominous. I like it.
Hopefuly the login screen makes the world explode upon logging in lol.
First impressions matter!
How do you know? Keep in mind, anything in beta is subject to change.
I didn’t think it was fake. But it looks so much like the Hearthstone table. Meh. At least I won’t be seeing it much.
We shall see on pre patch.
OH NO the login screen which you look at for a whole 5 seconds is not the best AAAAA thing you’ve ever seen. That’s terrible. How will anyone cope