War within login screen is official

Could you point out the ones that weren’t?

people who were screaming “its not final. it will get better and its a placeholder!!” are defending it after its been finalized



Truuuuuuuuuuuuuue :joy:

Meh. It doesn’t hint at much. Most others had scenery or something of the xpac.
This is just a wall/door.
Because of it’s earthen theme, it’s probably the door to the underground would be my assumption.

Tbh I wish they kept with the DF theme and used the main city with dwarves on the new gryphons flying around.

Ok? Hows about you let us like, or not like, the login screen, instead of YOU saying it’s okay. YOU do not speak for EVERYONE.

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There have been quite a few since it was datamined. And Twitter went complaint crazy over it too. Not that I care. Just general info.

I’m fine with it. I like the clean ominous look. But if it changed, I also wouldn’t care.

Yea there have been few here and there. I only saw 2 currently going.
I was just hitting them with current actual count since they are being so silly lol.

Tbh I don’t really care thaaaaaaaat much, I’m more so disappointed with lack of appeal. The music is great though.
I just think back to icc or cata. Cata especially when deathwing comes flying in and lands on SW gate.
I see this one and it’s just like… oof.


You’re looking at the login screen?
There’s not even time to. BNET just yeets you into the game.

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This one and the BfA wall of shame were my least favorite.


It looks ok to me.

looks like a teen did the work on this :crazy_face:

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If any developers read this: the login screen is fine. I don’t care if you delete it and make a blank black background instead. It’s completely irrelevant to the game.

Please don’t waste time fixing this up and instead spend your time on literally anything else.

Thanks. :slightly_smiling_face:

I look at the login screen for a max of about six seconds, I really do not care what it looks like. I’m very happy with the music, though.

Well finally there’s an easy last place when it comes to login screen rankings


The devs sure do have a preferred color palatte don’t they lol

Looks good to me. I like the music. Looks like the shattered heart of Azeroth.

People raging about a login screen they’ll never see. Meanwhile there’s countless loading screens littered around the game still stuck in 800x600 resolution, lmao.

This. Login screens stopped being relevant in 2014 when the Battle.Net App was introduced.

Loading screens are more relevant, and the EK loading screen is still stuck in the WOD era:

  • Varian is there;

  • Sylvanas is there;

  • Lor’themar is in his Pre-BfA design;

  • Greymane is there instead of Tess and he’s still in his Pre-Legion design.

It’s interesting how the last time login screens were relevant was in 2013/MOP, because it’s clear there was a drop in quality after MOP. No one looked at the logic screen anymore anyway.

Compare the Vanilla/TBC/Wrath/Cata/MOP login screens to WOD/Legion/BfA/SL (LOL)/DF… there is no comparison.

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I don’t understand all the hubbub over something people only see for maybe 2 seconds.

Not only that’s it’s boring it’s just lazy art work and looks very sad compared to all the other log in screens that were creative.


…If the login screen is what people hate it sounds like a good sign.

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