War Within login screen datamined, not really a spoiler imo

Having an opinion is one thing, throwing a baby rage fit over something so miniscule is another LMAOO

But you would have been able to deduce that that is what my original comment said if you could read

“I got a rock” ~Charlie Brown

Well done Blizzard

Worst login screen in the franchise.


That was not beta, it went live with no dragon and then Blizzard added the dragon which was still meh but something.

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blizzard fans are the only group i know that cope against themselves so readily

I’ve read all the wowhead comments, most of them just say the same thing: It’s boring and bland.

To support your original claim, it would actually help if people were throwing tantrums, which no one is, people are just saying they don’t like it and it’s bland. People are allowed to express their opinions on something regardless of how miniscule a login screen may be in 2024. It just looks like the box for the Physical Collector’s edition at the moment. Where’s a prominent landmark from the expansion? Or a main character?

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This is the only “baby rage fit” I can find in the thread.

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give us the classic login screen please let us customize

whats happening to the art team, every artwork they publish is ugly and now this???


This login screen is magnificent.

it finally matches the energy of their recent cinematics


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Hoping you forgot the /s

Might as well not have a login screen at this point lmao

Womp womp :kiss:

Oh I mean it. It’s no sarcasm.

Interesting. We’ll see what it looks like when it hits the Beta if anything is added or not.

people with bad taste exist

that said, its just hearthstone login screen, lame.

I prefer a black empty background than this lol

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I’m thinking this has to be temporary.

Basically all WoW login screens have had some kind of zone in them, either that or the Dark Portal.

It’s probably gonna be the Hallowfall crystal if I had to guess, a screen going between void and light.

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or beautiful xalatath embracing the login boxes with her smirk


With the Worldsoul saga these login screens should be the default. It’s simple and nonspoilery. And not just simple but basic and does the job.

I reckon they should just create a big circle with a red X through it and label it:

World of Warcaft: The TBC (To Be Announced)

That way nobody would get their underclothes in a knot about a loading screen.