War Within login screen datamined, not really a spoiler imo

That’s it?

DF login screen had more animation than this

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I’ve never been so underwhelmed before.


Well, the WoWHead article you linked said it’s probably not the final version


It did say it was likely not final. Also, the Dragonflight login screen didn’t always have more animation than that example. When we first saw it, it was just the scenery. The dragon was added later.

I say give it a bit of time. Mind you, I do kinda like the simplicity. So if they do keep it that way I wouldn’t complain.

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I think this’ll be the first one that isn’t scenery?

Hopefully that’ll like open up to a view of one of the caverns or something.

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Look back at dragonflight

That was beta and that went live. Literally every login screen hitting beta was never updated after it’s first implementation

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But, again, the article points out that it hasn’t been implemented yet…it has been datamined. There is is a huge difference. If it came from the beta then it would be a different story.

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I think a view of Hallowfall would be appropriate personally, but I guess it depends on how relevant the crystal will be in the expansion. However, it is the most eye grabbing piece in the environment of the expansion.


I get that it’s not a huge deal since we basically never see the login screen now, but I hope they’re not about to break the tradition of the screen being… well, set in the world.

Now, if this screen *opens* into some kind of scene? That might be neat.

I don’t think you understand

It could have been a really nice animated background of Dornogal, that one crystal shiny thing in Hallowfall. Could even have been the nerubian zone.

Compared it to Dragonflight when the login screen was Valdrakken

They chose… this

The article you linked there literally states it was updated. It was without dragon before, and then they added Alexstrasza to it.

Also, the War Within one is not on beta yet. Least the the article said it wasn’t. It was mentioned it had been datamined. Plenty of time to make changes.

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Look at my last post

If I had to guess based on the graphics, it’s not going to be TWW specific. That sure looks like it could be a fracturing Azeroth to me.

be kind of cool if it like cracked open when you logged in or something. just like this is so boring

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There’s still a login screen? I just hit “play” on Battle.net.

I kind of wish we could set our login screen to our favorite from prior expansions or randomize it.


LMAOOO the WoW community is so unbeliably whiny LOL the WoWhead commens all crying :sob: imagine getting that upset over a screen you see for LITERALLY maybe 2 seconds upon starting up the game

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So it’s a circle that rotates and glows a bit?


I want to assure you: when you whine about people whining, it is definitely 10x cooler and makes you awesome.


:confused: 10 characters

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“How dare people have an opinion! I’m going to go to the forums and complain about their complaints.”

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