Because they couldn’t call it “World of Warcraft: Secret Tunnel”
Because they couldn’t call it “World of Warcraft: Secret Tunnel”
On second thought, maybe I do want to watch this movie.
It’s not bad. They do have to condense some things but from someone who loves the cartoon the live action is pretty good.
World of Warcraft - What Sword?
Do you get paid by the bad joke?
I’d heard that secret tunnel reference so many times i finally decided to look up where it comes from the other night. It was very enjoyable.
Nope. I do it all for free
Cause calling it “Zaralek Cavern pt. 2” would not have sold poeple.
Zaralek 2: Electric Boogaloo
That at least sounds a little more entertaining, but only just barely. Zaralek was a pretty bad stain on an otherwise okay expansion.
I prefer the real Avatar: The Last Airbender.
Because World of Warcraft: Thrall as David Bowie and Anduin as Jennifer Connolly in Adventures of babysitting raiders of the lost Labyrinth most excellent adventure with Goonies and Gremlins Co. versus the 13th Evil Goblin Queen aka Hogger’s ex wife and her second Breakfast Club was too long of a title
The expansion’s original slogan was “Let’s Get All Up In Azeroth’s Guts!” but focus groups had concerns.
So the concept slogan for BfA was probably “Let’s bathe in Azeroth’s blood!”
Pedro Almodóvar habla con ella
YKIYK. That one scene.
I could’ve come up with a cooler title myself, if I’m feeling honest.
-World of Warcraft: Azeroth’s Inside Story
-World of Warcraft: Rise of the Underminer
-World of Warcraft: Expansion #10
-World of Warcraft: Down Under