"War Within" Is Only Called "War Within"

I don’t know if I’m mentally prepared for Aussie-accented Nerubians.


The spiders are already really big over there, it’s a natural fit.


Avatar is absolutely cursed to never receive a worthwhile adaptation into any other format. All of the video games are hot garbage*. The movie was bad, and i have yet to hear anything about the show that gives me confidence

Apparenly the show is filmed with the action in the center of the shot so that it could be easily clipped and shared on tiktok. They also apparently removed Sokka’s sexism, which was a huge part of his character development over the series.

*The Legend of Korra game was actually quite good, because the gameplay was done by Platinum, and they’re really good at action games.

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I mean I remember watching Arachnophobia as a kid thinking I should never travel to Venezuela nor Australia with its funnel spiders

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon: