War Within epic edition gives exclusive pets for pre patch event

Squally, the battle pet you get for buying the epic edition, gives you three more pets to go find and grab as an exclusive quest.

Is it justified to make people spend $90 to collect all the pets?

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To me this looks like they weren’t happy with sales numbers of the Epic Edition and quickly had to find a way to push more collectors in the direction of panic buying.


Did you already forget the hidden appearance set with the Shadowlands super-duper edition mount?

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Anyone can get it, your friend could have the mount and you pick up the quest from them

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So the quest just gives you three other colors of the pet so it matches the 4 colors of the mount?

The what?


yep. just summon squally for the quest and fly around and pick them up.

The alternate pet colors were already in the game as well, the Ride Along baby would match whatever color your Stormrider was.

brb checking to see what version I purchased


The fact they already existed and match the mount make me think they literally forgot to enable it

Are those…gryphons?

gnomish… ugre… to… collect pets. :robot::sweat_drops:


Not every baby is a beautiful baby, these little gryphons are giving the best they got.

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So they are gryphons! Tch, Alliance bias confirmed.

Yeah, its fine. You dont need all the pets.

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Technically they’re stormrooks and they’re elementals from Skywall :nerd_face:


Clearly Alliance influenced.

I know they did this for shadowlands…didn’t they do it for df? Perhaps im mixing up where the birf came from.

Access to beta, 3 day advance, mounts and pets. Plus a month game time. All for $20 more than the 2nd tier. People keep focusing on 1 thing for the price. But in reality, you get lots of things for the price. It’s just up to you if its worth it to you.


Well yeah, the first color we got was blue and none of them have spikes.