War Within & dynamic flying - an old lady's perspective

I will ALWAYS defend and encourage any and all forms of flying to be available at all times. There’s no reason they shouldn’t be.


DR is still throttled far more than TBC normal flying based on how the maps are designed which is why DR is a limiting factor for players with disabilities for example.

Also speed isn’t conducive in helping play how you want because speed is never going to beat out precision. Congrats you crossed the map quickly but you need to land on a cliff to complete an objective. Oh wait you missed timed your ascent and then descent…derpy derp have to wait for energy to replenish…tick tock…this is the game play BlizZard wants to promote as “active”.

You see “anti flyers” NEVER GET THIS POINT.

It is not about the SPEED that appeals players to TBC NORMAL FLYING…

Flight whistles, portals, etc are all faster and yet players prefer TBC normal flying over such gimmicks. Always have and always will.

This is what anti flyers will never understand.

Like I said let the holy flying wars begin. :heart_eyes:

:surfing_woman: :man_surfing:

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Blizzard feels that dynamic flying engages with the game and environment more than static does.

I understand the want for static, but hopefully with all the work on accessibility that Blizz is doing, dynamic will work for most people.

Biggest lie of all time.

Passing by every single key important point on a map like flight whistles and portals do is not engaging with anything on the map you are completely bypassing.

If flight whistles were balanced they would still be in the game but they were removed because it disengaged players from the game. DR is no different.

This is why DR speed is nerfed in older world because it completely negates the entire older maps.

What you all fail to understand is the rug pull with DR is coming because BlizZard always does it. They did it with flight whistle and they will do it with DR too.

:surfing_woman: :man_surfing:


I’m always a fan of more options.

If someone wants to fly with the old slower mode so to speak but with way different controls, go for it!

If they wanna fly with the new flying that’s faster but has a lot more buttons… go for it!

There should be options and the gathering thing I agree with. It feels clunky going into the air really high just to land to get a flower then rinse and repeat.

Now if there was a small jump or something like that or the flap up you “charge it” so to speak.

Like you press and hold down space bar and it determines how high you go once you let go.


Maybe watch some interviews where they literally say it.

And I agree. It is more immersive. This is coming from someone with neurological issues where it took me all of beta and part of live DF to learn and use dynamic flying to a somewhat decent degree.

No reason to get hostile.

Whether it feels engaging or not is always going to be subjective. On that point, I actually do agree with Blizzard, but I also understand that others enjoy static flight. There’s nothing wrong with that either. :man_shrugging:


Like I said biggest lie of all time.

Because we all know that they nerfed DR speed in older maps. Why? Because it completely bypassed the older, smaller maps and also caused game breaking glitches and bugs.

It is not TBC normal flying that cause such issues.

Like I said you all are falling for the marketing gimmicks and the rug pull is coming. They did the same argument with flight whistle.

What happened to the flight whistle and why was it removed from the game for future expansions?

:surfing_woman: :man_surfing:


This was going to be what I pointed out, yeah. I get it, dynamic flight can be irritating for someone in your position, and that’s alright. But you’d only really have to use it for the first 10 hours of the expansion. After you hit cap and complete the main initial campaign, static flight will also be available. This is much better than the DF situation involving having to wait 2 patches for static flight.

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I miss using that little thing. It was so much fun.


What does this have to do with dynamic flying being more engaging?

What gimmicks and what rug pull?

It is not about subjective opinion.

DR like flight whistle and portals completely bypasses an entire map. DR is that fast which is objectively true and not based on “subjective opinion”.

Despite DF having larger maps sizes DR speeds completely bypass entire maps which negates the entire “engagement” argument.

And if all you have left that DR is “engaging” because you have energy and combo points…that is laughable. Most players in WoW heavily dislike the energy and combo point system that was taken from Rogues and ported to other classes over many, many years.

I could write and entire war and peace length as to why players dislike energy and combo point throttling but I will save that for another time.

:surfing_woman: :man_surfing:

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Except it is about subjective opinion.

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No it is not.

DR is faster than TBC flying and negates the majority of map based on speed. They nerfed DR speed in older maps because of that reason.

That is not an opinion but fact.

Players were asking for the speed to stay the same or even go faster on the PTR and BlizZard said in their own way…“NO”.

:surfing_woman: :man_surfing:

But the debate was about whether it was engaging or not. Not about old world flight speeds.

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No it doesn’t. Speed is meaningless. It’s not at all about the speed. You have to maintain dynamic flying. You have to navigate through mountains and forests. You have WQS designed for dynamic flight. Terrain designed for it. Races designed for it. The list goes on.

And it’s what people asked for over the years.

… this is nothing like Rogue. And you don’t have numbers to claim “most players.”

Speed is always going to be tied to how it is considered engaging along with the mechanics of DR.

This is why BlizZard painted themselves in a corner. That is the entire argument as to why BlizZard put patch finders in the game.

Also why isn’t TBC normal flying available as the start like DR? Is BlizZard admitting that TBC normal flying more superior and must be gated?

:surfing_woman: :man_surfing:

No. It trivialize content when you can stop and turn on a dime and hover.


People asked for TBC normal flying to be unlocked with no strings attached.

DR comes with strings attached by putting in energy and combo points and forcing game play when it is not necessary but over designed.

This is a problem BlizZard created by keeping TBC normal flying segregated and locked away and then claiming it was a problem to “solve” when the solution was simple.

Allow TBC normal flying when you reach level cap with no other strings attached.

The fact that they are still doing it says it all really how petty they are. Especially toward disabled players.

:surfing_woman: :man_surfing:


I am trying to type but nugget is not helping right now.

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