War Within & dynamic flying - an old lady's perspective

Then link your sources. Otherwise you’re talking nonsense.

Talk to me when you dig your head out of the sand.


you’re not ancient. I’d even argue that you’re not old.

but yea, it makes no sense to gate regular flying when dragonriding is available from the outset.


Link a source to the proof that if I don’t link the source then I’m talking nonsense!!!1! lol

Really though, I don’t work for you and I don’t care if you’re happy to be wrong.

I dont see how this is any different from using Dragon flying except that DF can get you to your destinations faster.


I’m not wrong. You made a claim that you cannot back up. The burden of proof lies with you.


I’d like a link to your source that the burden of proof lies with me. Back up your claim.

I’ve not made any claim. You made the claim, you back it up. You’re just trolling at this point. Actually you’ve only been trolling.


Also, how long will it take?
“Just finish the storyline and it will be easy to unlock”
10 months later waiting for patch 11.2.5 … still locked behind “storyline”


That’s a claim. One that you are yet to source.

But I don’t really expect you to back it up, I’m using satire to point out how silly you’ve been. You can call that trolling if you want, but I don’t think its trolling.

didn’t you start this whole thing by making a claim?


All claims have to be sourced with a link, I guess.


Generally, burden of proof describes the standard that a party seeking to prove a fact in court must satisfy to have that fact legally established.

Now, you’re trying to present your fact, it’s on you to back it up. Troll.

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I get that the Emerald Dream is all about nature, but whoever thought it was a great idea to have THAT many trees with a mount we can barely control is just a sadist.

The amount of trees I’ve gotten stuck in is just sad :sob:

I have underwear older than you…

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When you’re trying to claim the devs said:

Yes, you do need a link to back you up or else you’re talking out your backside.

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I think you might want to go shopping…shudders


I’ve had Rheumatoid Arthritis since I was 30. My body went to hell a long time ago.

I’m still not old. :stuck_out_tongue:

I believe the OP’s point is not to have to wait, but to let it be available at the same time as an option.

Agreed. If everybody - including those who love dynamic flight - got up on their feet and made a fuss about it, I think we’d see it happen faster.

I may be wrong but I think what the OP is talking about is that dynamic flight is the only thing available at the start for flight. Again, I believe holding off on it is unnecessary - if we are able to fly in the zones at all from the start, why differentiate at all?


Na, they will last another 50 easy…

But op is cute thinking she is old…

I was 9 years old when man took his 1st steps on the moon

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My guess at this point being spiteful, that’s the only thing that I can wrap my head around why they would do that.