War Within & dynamic flying - an old lady's perspective

Let me assist you.

TBC normal flying was gated for many years because BlizZard felt it bypassed the dangers on the ground. So they introduce flight whistles, portals and DR which bypass all the dangers on the ground and entire points of interest on the map.

So now they want to claim that DR is more engaging when you zoom past a mining node.

How clicking buttons like a worse version of playing a Rogue from TBC with energy and combo points is also more “engaging”.

Worst of all is that DR is a copy from Guild Wars and poor copy of that too.

:surfing_woman: :man_surfing:


And other people asked for what we got: flying to be part of content. To make content not just on the ground, but also in the air. I know, because I’m one of them. And I’ve been part of many of those threads over the years since Pathfinder was introduced.

There is no “energy and combo points.” It’s six bubbles. This is such a terrible analogy.

Congratulations. It is going to be available at level cap with no other strings attached. Unless someone was dumb enough to not run the MSQ, which is always needed to unlock the rest of end game on the first character.

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What pathfinder should have been all along imo. Instead of stupid rep grinding.

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I disagree

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Thanks for sharing.

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thanks for responding.

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Hope this answers your question.

No Flight Master’s Whistle in Shadowlands, But Flying Won’t Require Reputation - Wowhead News

According to an interview with Ion Hazzikostas:

"Old school TBC flying, pathfinder style, will not be available right away but will be unlocked shortly after reaching max level with no reputation grind requirements. Just play through the campaign, explore the continent then you can fly that way as well."

So we will need to get to cap, complete the campaign and explore the continent. So not just getting to cap. So even if someone got to the new cap without doing all the other stuff, normal flight wouldn’t be available to them. So it is, as he actually said, a pathfinder style requirement.

Also note “shortly after reaching max level”. I wonder what that means.


And again, if someone isn’t playing through the MSQ the first time, then they just screwed themselves out of unlocking the end game content and unlocking zone choice and everything else for alts.

So it is getting to cap. Just by finishing MSQ you’ll hit cap and get the exploring done.

Most likely it means there’s one last intro questline to end game that includes that unlock.

Maybe, was just advising you that you comment of “available at cap with no other strings attached” was not quite accurate.

There is no guarantee that it will not be delayed further, since he did say “shortly after”.

My feel = would be nice if none of it was required and it was earned exactly the same way dynamic flight will be. That’s all, really.

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Finishing MSQ and exploration I don’t consider strings. I consider that part of hitting level cap the first time.

To me, strings is “do all this rep, then wait for two patches if you’re lucky!”

I understand that. I have no issues with it. My comments have been information on why Blizz doesn’t feel that way.

I’m just hoping that the accessibility work they’re doing will help more people.

It’d be cool if they added a way for time to slow down while dragonriding, sort of like the need for speed games (I think?)

Either way I understand the merit in allowing point and move flying, there’s no reason to feel forced to do reactive flying. In the meantime flying in first person helps some.

I hope so too. I have motion issues that are made worse by dynamic flight. I worked on it but used (and still use it) only when absolutely necessary. Normal flight has never given me those issues unless I spin my camera too much when flying which I try hard not to do. I get that they might feel putting in standard flight early will make farming herbs and ores easier, but it makes it easier for everyone, not just gold farmers.

Anyhow, its not like I can get what I want just 'cause I want it. I’ll deal with somehow, just as I have with every problem that has existed in the game.

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Exactly, giving dynamic flight early and delaying static flying is like saying “Here’s a Ferrari at the start, but if you be good and jump through the hoops, you can earn your 20 year old Toyota Corolla back”.


Fifty five years old here, and I feel your pain. But don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love dragon flying as a mechanical feature. But I am no expert at it.

I’ve read a lot of posts where people find the value of having both dynamic flying and static flying. I hope you’ll find some solace. That many people agree with you when it comes to gathering professions. Basically, the two main points that people have made arguments for is that dynamic flying is great for getting from point a to point b quickly. And static flying is great for professions and exploration. Because you don’t miss as much because it’s going by too fast.

Aside from that, people are enjoying the new challenges that dynamic flying brings, myself included. Even though I have rarely gotten better than a bronze medal for any particular race. On that note, I did complete the outland riders cup. And I was able to do so and collect all of the vendor gear off of bronze medals only. I think it is fantastic that blizzard recognizes that not everybody has the human agility and not every PC has the computational agility to perform these races at top level.

For whatever reason, I think the Blizzard understands that not everybody can perform at the top tier. Some of these dynamic flying activities. And I don’t think that they intend on leaving anyone behind. Choose to that end, I have noticed using my dragon flying mount. Recently pops up with a tool tip that they have added the ability to add combat actions to the dragon flying action bar. Basically, if you need to quickly dismount as a warrior you should be able to use heroically to do so by adding that to your action bar for dragon flying. Obviously all classes will have the ability to take a combat action to dismount mid-flight. So that should at least be helpful.

As a druid, this is a dismount technique that I have been familiar with for many, many years. All it takes is a little bit of practice. And you’ll get the hang of it in no time.

As a final note, Blizzard has said on multiple occasions that they will include a toggle ‘button’ to turn dynamic flying on and off for all mounts.

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Generally speaking…

Childhood: 0 - 10
Adolescence: 11 - 24
Young Adult: 25 - 34
Young Middle Age: 35 - 44
Mid Middle Age: 45 - 54
Late Middle Age: 55 - 64
Young Senior: 65 - 74
Mid Senior: 75 - 84
Late Senior: 85+


Indeed what they fail to understand is that there is no such thing as compromise with those with disabilties.

“Complete the content” in TWW to obtain access to TBC normal flying. Doesn’t this seem odd to people while DR there has not been any strings attached to it?

Furthermore what this reveals is the inflexible thinking inside the halls of BlizZard because they refuse to adapt to what player feedback is providing. Whatever focus groups they hired have failed them. Furthermore since the time they have said they would communicate more they have chosen to ignore their own official channels but rather rely on shady back channels on of discords. Back channels of discords that are not officially part of BlizZard and thus we have a situation where they are not communicating with players.

The sudden outreach of surveys is a little too late. Lets keep it simple for them…TBC normal flying is what many players want and arm twisting players to use DR is the wort possible outcome. What a rational and emphathetic human being would do is allow players to choose. But given BlizZard’s reputation and how they treat their own people that is not surprising that is extends further on how they continue to treat their own players.

When they tried to take away flying forever in WoD it revaled more than cost cutting measures or “design visions”. it revealed a pathos that is rooted upon ignorance and not understanding player behavior. Furthermore, I would argue that the disconnect since WoD has grown which is why classic is more and more popular with players versus retail.

When Cata classic launches and players that never played during that era figure out that TBC normal flying has no time gated requirement with patchfinders or completing the “campaign”…whatever that means they will ask questions. Why was TBC normal flying so easy to obtain wih no strings attached other than questing, leveling and reaching level cap?

And as a side tangent lets briefly talk about how BlizZard uses weasel words like “complete the campaign”.

Remember Legion? Where they would crumb drop a quest line over weeks and months? Is this what the anti flyers going to hitch their wagon too?

Here is another guarantee…the number one thread in TWW beta will be about TBC normal flying. Count on it.

:surfing_woman: :man_surfing:


At this point in my learning of how to DF this rarely happens.
Happened a LOT when DF was new and confusing.
Ive improved. Hopefully others have too.

How can anyone who enjoys DF be an “anti-flyer”?
it literally has the word “Flight” in its name.

As an avid dragonrider I wholly support that if any flying is available anywhere any time all flying should be available. If Blizzard feels it trivializes certain aspects of the game then people can choose to engage with that. There shouldn’t be a gate, at all.


Agreed. Let it be our choice. For all the reasons stated.