War Within & dynamic flying - an old lady's perspective

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Oh, its intact. There are just long screws holding it together. Not to mention a fake knee, 9 pins in the other one, and a screw in my ankle. Its not really a big deal. No one really knows and im still running circles around the younger generations.

You should be grateful for every bad thing that ever happens. Its all perspective.

Nearly fifty? Oh, you sweet Summer child! I remember fifty … vaguely. It was a long time ago. Isn’t that when you’re allowed to drive? or marry? something like that, anyway. Congratulations, you have it all before you! :champagne:

I can sympathise with the eyes and reflexes, though computer glasses can help, for that intermediate distance to a screen. But you don’t have to be old to have problems with those. I know a young whippersnapper who gets nauseous and finds the screen blurry during dragonriding.

I definitely support having both available from the start, but having both available on reaching max level is not so bad, and Ion promised that at Blizzcon. I have this link teed up to the part where he promises that:

Dynamic flight will be available from the very start when you go to Castlegar in the aisle of Dorne just as it was in Dragonflight. Old school TBC flying - Pathfinder style - will not be available right away, but it will be unlocked shortly after reaching max level with no reputation grind requirements just play through the campaign, explore the continents, then you can fly that way as well.

Now, I definitely think it’s nonsensical to restrict normal flying at all, but at least you definitely won’t have to use Dynamic flight for long. :+1:


I’ll be 51 this year, but don’t consider myself an old man! (my kids might disagree though). I average about 120 miles a week on my bike (mountain bike, not stationary) in addition to everything else I’m doing. Definitely don’t feel old.

That said…I absolutely do agree with this:

My problems with dynamic flight come from a combination of age-related issues and the lingering affects of a TBI as well as missing a few fingers/part of my hand from wounds sustained years ago. I have increasing problems with a lot of things in WoW and I’m definitely noticing the older I get, the worse it becomes. I feel you.

My reflexes are often times absolute junk and continual motion required by dynamic flight is just frankly too much. I’m happy to stick with old flight and wish it was given as much consideration.

Old though? Not a chance!


I’m an old broad too but I like dynamic flying. I just haven’t figured out how to stop “right here” yet. >_<

Yesterday doing fishing daily in the fiery area, missed the quest giver’s tiny island like 3 times. Had to sit down and eat-heal after all the lava dunkings.

Am I supposed to hit my Stop button then kinda sink down to where I’m going to land? Any other button makes me zoom. Yeah, still figuring out the controls.

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A default toggle option would be nice or one that doesn’t involve some pathfinder-like achievement.

I’m getting older - like all of us - and my reflexes are stating to slow but my biggest gripe with dynamic flying is tripping up on very minor environmental stuff like branches and losing all momentum. Like, a twig shouldn’t halt my dragon.


I generally don’t have the tripping/getting stuck problem … but then, I have a ridiculous amount of flight sim experience. Obstacle avoidance is kind of like breathing, I do it without noticing that I’m doing it for the most part.

I don’t think that’s a deliberate design choice, I think it’s an unintentional consequence of how they design terrain. Ground mounts get stuck on tiny roots far more often than they should. Maybe that ought to be fixed. But I won’t hold my breath waiting for them to burn the developer-hours to get it done.

Fixed it for ya. Aging is a privilege denied to many.


As long as dragonriders can force dismount static flyers.

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Truth. It ain’t easy but it sure beats the alternative.

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I am over 65 and I can do the basic dragon flying races. I don’t think you can blame not being able to do them on age. The advanced ones maybe, I have even tried those because I figured too much aggro.

Lol nobody cares about wpvp.


Oh get over yourself. You’re acting like there’s a huge revolution for static flying when no such thing exists. Yes, some people prefer it over DR, but they aren’t a majority and they aren’t a revolution.

And for the love of Metzen, it’s just “Blizzard”

No, but let the holy flying wars commence. The war to end all wars!

:surfing_woman: :man_surfing:


This description comes directly from the reasoning presented during the developer interview and from years of play experience.

Maybe think. Before, after, and during posting.

Link me your source that shows this is the reasoning from the devs.

My years of play experience says flying is one of the best features ever added to wow.


You can find the post blizzcon q & a from this year where they discuss this topic directly. Its readily available on youtube and probably other places on the internet.

I expected no linked sources and I got no linked sources. Just some rando flying hater that pines for a time that’s 17 years ago.

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Is fifty old now? How long are you expecting to live?

You can expect whatever you want, I told you where the info is available. Your ignorance is your choice.