War Within & dynamic flying - an old lady's perspective

Im 45 and feel like im just getting started. And thats after breaking my pelvis multiple times. You’re not old.


Yeah if anything caused the decline of WoW it was

checks notes

dragon riding :roll_eyes:

you know, one of the most popular features of DF.


I’m 53 and didn’t get married until I was 44, didn’t learn how to drive until I was 45, and have survived two bouts of cancer surgery, and I’m still in better shape than my parents were at my age.

Now, everybody has different bodies. Everybody has different health challenges. Everybody has different aptitudes and limits. I don’t want to erase that.

But health concerns are health concerns. Age is age. They ain’t the same.


I deny that 55 is old, but that’s mostly because I’m 57. On the bright side, I’m eligible for some senior citizen discounts now.

I’ll second the recommendation above for the Dragon Rider add on. Having an airspeed indicator is awesome. Now if I could just get my pitch ladder and compass strip back … I really miss FlightHUD.

All that said there’s no good reason why legacy flight can’t be available sooner. Having deluxe flight from the jump while time-gating the lesser capable version is frankly baffling.


You make ME feel old as you are younger than I am :laughing:. I too have struggled with the speed of dynamic flight and pass up my gathering nodes more often than not.

My patient husband was thrilled when pathfinder opened up regular flight for me and helped me get mine so that so I could be free at last!

I have since practiced dynamic flight since it is so much better for movement between areas - without a doubt.

Just try it when you can when you are not under pressure (like time,etc) and practice the mechanics. I’m still learning it myself.


To all the people saying “finish the main story quest to unlock it” and that its “simple”, obviously didn’t start a couple months ago back in the game. The quest list to unlock normal flying in dragon isles is longer than any I’ve ever seen. I’ve actually been trying for the last month or so, and it’s so complex and numerous, I’m about to download an add-on for it. Yes, that’s right, its so complex people make add-ons for you to keep track of and tell you where more quests are for it. I’m 43, and i agree totally with op’s post. It’s very reasonable and has a lot of merit.


I couldn’t agree more. I’m hoping that we can pick which mounts we want for dynamic flying vs. regular flying since I have one of each on my bars right now. I like to use one or the other as the situation calls for.


Yes it’s because they are all inside playing wow. Lol

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This isn’t a valid excuse.

THIS is a valid reason. Though I would suggest eating carrots. They’re super tasty and help with eyesight when consumed.

There is no good reason to not give the option for regular flying from the start. There are probably even things about it that will ‘provide less reward’ for those who use it.


You’ll get TBC flying unlocked for finishing the campaign. Just have to play through one time without cheesing everything with swim flying shenanigans, you’ll be fine.

Old is more a state of mind than a physical age.

It really depends on the person and how they feel. Your 40s is when your body can start going down hill. Many people are lucky and stay mostly healthy and don’t feel old. Some of us though everything starts going downhill fast.

I’m 49, my knees and other joints are shot and pain is my constant friend. My blood pressure would likely scare most doctors, my eyesight and just about everything else is getting progressively worse every year. I may only be 49 but I feel 70. I’m old, even if someone else the same age as me is still young and chipper.


smells like old people in here

No, at 49 you are not old. You may feel old, but what you are is physically ill or unhealthy, not old (I wish for you that your health improves soon). 49 is middle age. When someone uses terms like “old lady”, I’m thinking of a senior citizen in their 70s or 80s, not someone who isn’t even fifty yet.

I don’t feel that age has much to do with dynamic flying. Dynamic flying isn’t a physically demanding activity that requires particularly good reflexes, at least not compared to how the game is played in general. It’s totally fine to not like it or to prefer standard flying, but using age as an argument, especially in an exaggerated way for effect, feels a little irrelevant to me.

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Good news! Blizzard has said they will make dynamic flight a toggle. So you can have it when you need it, and turn it off when you desire.

I have you beat by 8 years, and I hear you on the challenges modern WoW has with older folks (for me, compounded by the fact I was never a gamer, so never developed the “twitch” reflexes gamers have). There are times where dynamic flight is convenient, and sometimes I need the control static flight provides. Blizzard understood this, so it will be an option, as this is really an accessibility decision.

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:slight_smile: I “very slowly” agree. 65 and still flying old world mounts.


My prediction is if box sales are soft they will soften their stance.

They were measuring box sales, subs, and shop purchases at the start of DF and they were probably soft so that is why they gave up on the idea of phasing out TBC normal flying. That is why there was so many “vague” time lines on the release of TBC normal flying during DF as it was not even on the “road map”.

They were stringing it out hoping to gather the data they were hoping for.

But players rejected that narrative BlizZard was trying to create artificially by throttling TBC normal flying.

So here we are once again with BlizZard trying to arm twist players to use DR when some players have explicitly said they will not or even can not use DR.

Long live the fighters for TBC normal flying!!! :heart_eyes:

Let the flying holy wars begin!

:surfing_woman: :man_surfing:


This description is ridiculous. We’ll just be skipping things faster with dragon riding. Maybe think before posting.


Well, I am really flying, because I know how to control it. Sorry you crash everywhere, though. Dynamic flying is more like an airplane or a bird. Static flying is like a drone, if you didn’t have to worry about physics and gravity.

I agree that both types should be available at the same time.


Lol about to turn 45 and I feel like the ground is coming up fast and I don’t have a 'chute.

Luckily my pelvis is intact though.